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I led still in the cold water of the bath I'd ran an hour earlier. I was still led here, watching my toes wrinkle as every second turned to minutes. I didn't want to leave the tub, for it was my sacred place. I led in the dark, eyes closed with only a candle as a light, and listened to the rain outside. It was peaceful, nothing like the world outside. I pictured myself standing there, head against the sky with my arms outstretched. I inhale the soft must of the night, hear the different sounds as the rain hits the concrete, bins and other materials. I wanted to be outside.

I finally manage to pull myself from the water and grab my outfit for the stormy weather.

I walked down the street, balancing on the beam of the path. My hair dripping wet as the sky cried more tears. Droplets rolled down my face and clung onto my nose for dear life. I cleared my throat as I looked into the brightest star.

"Star light, star bright. First star I see tonight, I wish I may, I wish I might. I wish to have someone to share my world with." Of course even at my most vulnerable he shows up. Klaus. I didn't even have to ask him why he was there before he smirked at me.

"Lovely weather isn't it." He said; smirk still plastered on his face. Oh how those dimples drove me insane.

"I like being outside in the rain, it gives me motive."

Klaus only smiles and closes his eyes.

I gasp as I feel something penetrate my stomach. I look down and see a wooden stick of some sort poking through my nice new shirt. I felt as if I'd fall into blackness before taking one last look at Klaus; anger plastered on his face as he ran towards me. Then, blackness.
I could no longer smell, feel or taste the rain.


When I finally woke, I was surrounded by twelve witches chanting as they stood hand in hand in a circle. I tried to wriggle free but the ropes were vervain soaked. They were wrapped around my body as I found myself tied to a wooden post. I looked up at the stars. Perhaps I should have stayed in that stone cold water.

Then, I remembered, Klaus saw me in my final moments. He wouldn't be letting this happen. Where on earth is that man? I furrowed my brows and looked around.

I waited, a few minutes which seemed like too long. Then, suddenly when I believed all hope was lost. That maybe Klaus didn't feel for me as he said he did for the last few months. He showed up, his face so intense and screwed up the witches took one step back. He hurled his hands towards the women closest, her hair blonde, eyes brown. The rain had stopped as the fire below crackled harder within the breeze. I closed my eyes as I heard the crunches of bones and screams of women. Women whom most likely had family, children, a partner somewhere out there who would be distraught to find out their other half was slaughtered due to the mistake of taking Klaus' obsession away from him. Threatening him in a somewhat way.

"Caroline!" I heard him call. There was silence, all breeze and fire spits and the calling of his voice. Again, comforting and soft. His lust only for me. It felt intriguing and dangerous, I suppose I wanted it. Screw what my friends thought, no matter what I chose someone out there would have an opinion. The only person who truly cared about what mattered to me was him.

"Klaus." I whispered as he un-tied the ropes. His fingers burning. He pulled me into his chest, his scent clung to me. He was genuine. I closed my eyes as I allowed my hands to wrap around his broad and tense back muscles. My right hand drifted softly up toward his neck as I ruffled through his hair.

"Caroline- You're. Hugging me?"

His whispers sent tingles around my body. I cupped his cheeks and told him to just hold me and remember this moment for it was the moment I realised I could have someone to share my world with. Funnily enough, it began to pour. Again, the sky's cried with empty galore. I smiled and took a breath as I looked into his eyes.

"Would you like to find a motive with me?" I asked. He smirked.

"Of course, love."

And together. We walked. Into the rain.

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