Klaroline/ TheGhostOfKlausMikaelson

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It had been two years since the passing of the hybrid most seemed to fear. Still, I can't help but feel as if he was always peering over my shoulder, in a protecting, supportive way. Insane. Right? For a couple of weeks I'd been feeling this way, since I'd been talking to Tyler again, (for moral support obviously,) perhaps my subconscious knew how Klaus would feel about it and now I'm constantly feeling like he's there ready to pounce at any minute.

I still couldn't believe he was gone. In the nick of time I'd forgave him and began to catch feelings I'd genuinely thought I could have something. Then, he died. I shook my head, how coincidental.

My phone began to ring unexpectedly, shaking me from my thoughts. "Ty."

"Hey, Care. I was just wondering if you'd like to come watch a football game with me around 6:30pm?"

I rolled my eyes. But there it was again, that gust of wind. A small chill that gave me goosebumps. It was strong, mysterious and thrilling. "Ty, I'm going to have to call you back."

I couldn't believe my eyes, I rubbed them and backed into the wall. My lips were parted and I almost squeaked his name. "K-Klaus?"

"Hello, love."

Ugh fucking hell. I'd just came to accept he was gone now he's stood in my room. No. I must've been dreaming.

"You're probably wondering what I'm doing here and why, my intentions are good I can assure you that but yours, I must say are the opposite."

I furrowed my brows, but I knew he was talking about Tyler. He didn't like that I was talking to him again after what had happened.
Klaus must've read my face because before I knew it he was in front of me. His whisper of a breath scorned my neck, I wanted him there and then.

"How are you here?"

Klaus smirked. It was the smirk that guaranteed a bad vibe. A murderous smirk that hinted evil and satisfaction. "I rose from the dead sweetheart. I'm Nikalus Mikaelson and I don't die easily."

"Klaus you've been dead for 2 years!"

He crept around the room like a dark stork. If what he were saying was true... I pounced forwards and grabbed his arm. I... Grabbed his arm. He was real. I fell to my couch and ruffled my messy blonde hair. Life wasn't the same once Klaus left. And now he was back? He was still smirking as I looked up. He walked towards me and cupped my small face in his giant hands. Oh no- I knew what was coming. His lips clashed against mine, it had been so long since I felt the smooth pettily kiss he carried so carefully.

"Remember what I said love, however long it takes. I intend to keep that promise. For two years I've done nothing but try to fight for my freedom. And now, I finally have it. I have you."

At this particular point, I couldn't even argue. He was right. He has me. I would no longer fight the urge to be with the one I feel for. I have a second chance.

"Do you want to just, go somewhere?" I asked. It was a crazy, in the moment decision. But I wanted it. To go anywhere with Klaus. He smiled; it was genuine and happy, and made my heart sink.

"I want to show you something." Klaus sighed.


The drive lasted an intense hour before we finally pulled up outside a huge bushy dead end in the middle of nowhere. "Oh god. You aren't going to kill me are you." I huffed as I pulled my weight from the car. Klaus ruffled his hand through the thorns, the berries and cobwebs until he finally found what he was looking for. He opened a hidden door and insisted I go first. I stepped forward and gasped. There was a huge gorgeous house, the Bush followed the terrace like a guarded circle the whole way around. Next to the pond was a massive oak tree, a perfect little swing perched onto one of the big broad branches. Klaus watched fascination.

The grass was overgrown, as were the weeds but Klaus had been dead for almost two years, it couldn't  have stayed perfect. The little pebble path was the cutest. I found myself talking out loud as I walked along the path towards the house.

"Stay here with me?" Klaus asked. He placed my hands inside his and looked me in the eyes. I sighed. There was nothing left for me in Mystic Falls. My mom had died, my friends couldn't stand Klaus. We could start a new life out here. I agreed.

Hand in hand me and Klaus walked into the house and I dropped my bag in excitement. "This is ours?"

Klaus nodded.

The stairs spiralled into a fit of many floors, a basement full of many different wines beneath the beautiful marble kitchen which sparkled in the light, and too many rooms to count. The living room was what you'd expect royalty to live in. But I suppose Klaus was the king, the king of the supernatural realm. I couldn't wait to get started on the house and the garden. I asked Klaus to grab food for the fridge and to connect the house up with WiFi and gas and electric. He'd be fast with it, but whilst he was gone I wanted to dust and get rid of the furniture covers.

I started off in the living room. I pulled the covers from the couches, lavender coloured soft cotton in perfect condition led there as if it had been waiting. I pulled back the curtains to let the light in and noticed the giant crystal chandelier hanging from the ceiling. "Wow, Klaus Mikaelson. You really are amazing."

I dusted to curtains and the corners of the room after hoovering. I opened the small cupboard beneath the TV to find a vase, perfect enough for the small amount of wild flowers still growing out back. I hummed, hopefully they had lavender to match the furniture. I cupped my mouth; the most amazing fireplace mantle piece stood over in the left hand corner.

"Having fun?"

I jumped but relaxed as soon as Klaus wandered into the living room to see what improvements I had made. He slumped onto the couch and I followed. I never wanted to lose him again. We could make a good life out here. I wanted the life with him out here.


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