Plane home to Korea

Start from the beginning

“My eyes are dark brown, like chocolate and I have long eyelashes,” his smooth voice reached my ears and I smiled slightly. “My hair is dyed blonde and it is short and messy today as I didn’t really have time to style it.” He stopped talking as my fingers brushed over his lips and across his nose.

After a while, I retracted my hands and pulled them down to my lap with a small smile on my face. I heard the flight attendants give the safety talk in both English and Korean and the plane started to move towards the runway. It was my first time flying alone and naturally, I’m scared of flying. Taking off was always the worst bit but I usually hold onto my dads’ hand as we took off, but my dad isn’t here right now is he? No. the only one next to me is Kris so I settled for grabbing onto the arm rest as the plane gathered speed towards the end of the runway. However, luck wasn’t with me today as it wasn’t the arm rest I grabbed, it was Kris’ hand. Still not realising, I held my breath and squeezed as the plane rose into the air. It wasn’t until the plane had levelled that Kris leaned towards me and whispered into my ear “You can let go of my hand now.” I gasped and drew back immediately. I didn’t need to see to know I was bright red.  “Mian he!!” Kris was just sat there chuckling to himself at my misfortune. My luck worsened when I thinking I was being smart, let out a string of curse words in Chinese after I had foolishly come to the conclusion that he was Korean.

Kris’ POV:

I was very surprised when I heard her speaking in Chinese as I really wasn’t expecting it. Neither were Tao and Sehun who were sitting behind us. Somehow, with some stroke of luck, that’s the only part of the conversation that they heard. They both gave a gasp and I just stared at Taemin in shock. She didn’t seem to notice however as she had out her headphones in and turned up the volume. I decided to do the same.

It had been about half an hour when I was poked from behind. Sehun had asked for my attention so I listened to what he had to say. He spoke softly, so there was no chance of Taemin overhearing. “OMO!! She’s listening to growl!!” I decided to pay attention so I could find out for myself. I could only hear it faintly but it was true. Taemin was a fan of EXO. She probably didn’t recognise us because she couldn’t actually see who we were.

The rest of the trip passed quickly and before long we had landed at the airport. Taemin gathered her things and waited for me to move. One of the flight attendants came and helped her out the plane and towards the baggage claim. She had left without saying goodbye. Why was this bothering me so much?? I waited for the rest of the group after I had left the plane and we all made our way towards the baggage claim. Here I saw that the flight attendant had abandoned Taemin and she was just stood there in the middle of the floor not knowing where she was. I looked around and I saw no body that could have been helping her so I went over towards her. The others just stood confused behind me watching as I left the group. I slowly reached to her so she wasn’t startled at the same time as telling her it was me and not some random stranger. I saw then how short she was. Even though I am tall she only came up to my chest. She had to be shorter than Sunny from SNSD. She relaxed and turned to where she thought I was. I adjusted her so she was facing me and wiped her tears with my thumb. She spoke in a quiet, sad tone, filled with betrayal. “I was just left here alone. I have no clue where I am!! Please help me!?” I sighed and put my hands on her shoulders and guided her towards the rest of the group.

They all gave me clueless looks and I told them what happened. “Guys, this is Taemin. I sat next to her on the plane. She’s blind and her guide abandoned her here for no reason. So I decided to help her.” The rest of the guys had sympathetic looks on their faces and all nodded. I then thought of something else. “Taemin, do you have some where to stay?” I said to her in Korean so the others could understand. “A-Aniyo. I was going to rent a hotel room” she answered me in a shy tone. The guys and I all looked at each other and all nodded. “You can come and stay with us.” That was Sehun who answered. I gave a smile to the others and Taemin just nodded once. “Arasso… I guess that would be okay…” the guys all smiled at her shyness and we all went to find our bags.

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