"Wait," Austin booms.

Stupidly, my body freezes.

"She's the woman our boss sent to clean your mess, she's the reason he's happy with you."

"No way." Austin shakes his head. "She's someone The Boss thought was an easy fuck."

A gasp escapes my trembling body.

"Say it again, I dare you!" My voice is low, but it's strong.

"You are nothing, you are worth nothing, and when he gets bored, you will end up like the rest of them." His words should rattle me, but The Bleeding Heart isn't afraid of his bark.

I toss the candle and it swooshes past his head and smashes onto the wall.

"Next time, it'll hit you in the head."

"You bitch."

Austin launches and I duck to avoid his swinging arms. I trip on the uneven earth and gasp as pain shoots up my hands. As I scramble to my feet, Austin tangles his fingers through my hair. My scalp throbs as my feet skid across the dirt.

"Nobody disrespects me."

"Stop it." I dig my nails into his wrist but he yanks me back. I collide against the wall with a thud. Austin grips my arm and tugs me to my feet.

"I was helping you."

"I don't need your help."

Austin grabs my throat and shoves me against the wall. His fingers tighten as he pushes me up. I dig my nails into his wrist. His fingers tighten and I can't breathe.

"Nobody is coming to save you." His brown eyes are dark and haunting.

I jab my knee into his crotch and Austin drops his grip to hold himself. I stagger forward, hands on my throat as I gasp for air. The pungent smell of weed fills my lungs and I've never been so grateful.

Black dots litter my vision as I stagger to the bench. I take the walkie-talkie and press the button. My mouth opens but nothing passes. My throat burns. I want to scream but air escapes.

Austin takes the walkie talkie and crushes it under his combat boot.

"What are you going to do now?" Excitement swirls in his eyes.

I glance over his shoulder; the ladder is blocked by the three guys. I'd never make it up without Austin pulling me down.

"I'm going to enjoy squeezing the last bit of air from your body." Austin grins.

"Enough," the leader booms. "You've had your fun. Now tie her up or put her to work. We don't have time to clean up another body, and frankly, I'm tired of cleaning up your messes."

The smile vanishes from Austin's smug expression.

"Pedro and Miguel, get the plants, the van is waiting."

The three get to work while Austin drags me by the arm.

"The Boss is going to kill you when he finds out."

"Once the debt has been paid, I'm getting far away."

"You can't hide from him."

"He'll be taken care of."

Shoes hitting the ground cause Austin to freeze. The Boss stands by the ladder dressed in a midnight blue suit and white shirt. How'd he know to come back?

"Tikera, why are you down here?" He looks at Austin and frowns. "What's happening?"

"She left something behind, but she's leaving now." Austin pushes me and I stumble.

The Boss's eyes linger on my neck, then to Austin.

"I said, what's happening?"

"They're trying to steal your plants."

"She's lying," Austin snaps. "She's conspired with them, like I told you. They call her The Bleeding Heart."

"What the hell? I'd never do that."

"You stabbed a man in the hand. You're a criminal mastermind."

I roll my eyes. If stabbing a man with scissors makes me a criminal mastermind, I'd hate to know what constitutes as a warlord.

"You're being ridiculous."

"Enough." The Boss's voice booms through the room.

He unbuttons his suit jacket. "Do you think you can steal my product and get away with it?"

I'm afraid to move—to speak.

"Did you really think you'd get away with it?"

I gulp. My body trembles. Here it comes.

The Boss pulls a gun from his jacket and points it at me. My heart jackhammers in my chest.

Our gaze meets, his blue eyes are raging.

"I'm sorry."

I squeeze my eyes shut and the gun clicks.

* * * * *

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by Stephy
While falling in love with a drug kingpin, Tikera must prove she can...
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