My hands instantly pull Bilbo towards me, and I grip him with one arm, my other arm holding onto the stone giant's leg.

I'm lost as to what's happening as the storm worsens, and my hand begins to bleed from the rough rock that I tightly grip. I can feel Bilbo clutching to me the best he can as the leg is thrust towards a wall. Seeing our chance, the dwarves on the leg and I jump to a nearby rock. In the background, I can barely hear the other dwarves screaming our names.

I twist in the air before me and Bilbo land, causing me to land roughly on my back (As well as my bow and quiver), leaving him unharmed. A stinging sensation travels up my back and I let out a grunt of pain. Bilbo rolls out of my grip, and within seconds the other dwarves have reached us. They let out cries of relief as we stand, Balin helping me stand as I grit my teeth leaning a bit on him. He eyes me warily, asking, "Lass, are you hurt?"

I nod, answering, "Landed on my back. It's not exactly agreeing with my decision." Balin adjusts himself so I'm leaning on him a bit more. He looks around anxiously to the others as Bofur's voice sounds.

"Where's Bilbo? Where's the hobbit?"

My eyes widen as I notice a pair of hands gripping onto the side of the cavern.

"There!" Ori exclaims, pointing at Bilbo.

One of the others says something, but I don't hear it, my back stinging once again as I move to jump forward. Balin holds me back, telling me, "We don't need you hurt anymore than you are lass."

Ori lunges towards Bilbo in an attempt to grab him, but Bilbo's fingers quickly disappear. My hands fly over my mouth as I attempt to muffle a small scream of helplessness. My hope is completely drained as the others walk over there, but then Thorin swings down. I can't see what happens next, but in a matter of moments, Bilbo's back on the ledge, with Thorin attempting to heave himself up.

But his grip slips as well.

Dwalin and I jump forward, grasping his hands just in time. I let out a small yelp as my back sends shooting pains into my entire body, worse than before. The pain is like a thousand Elven arrows piercing my back. I grit my teeth, the other dwarves coming to our aid and quickly helping us lift Thorin out of the pit.

The moment Thorin is back onto the ledge, I fall backwards and onto my back with another grunt of pain. Thorin sees me on the ground, his eyes worried, and gently helps me up, allowing me to lean on him. His large arm is around me as he slowly guides me. From the corner of my eye, I can see the blood from my hand on his.

Gritting my teeth, we begin to walk towards the others. I don't even protest to Thorin's help, the shooting pains too much for me to even mutter a word.

"I thought we'd lost our burglar," Dwalin gruffly says, eyeing me, Thorin, and Bilbo.

"He's been lost ever since he left home. He should never have come. He has no place amongst us. Dwalin!" Thorin states in an even gruffer voice.

I can't help but be a bit mad about Thorin's words, but I don't have the strength to say anything. He guides us forward, and my eyes shut from the pain. My legs begin to drag a bit, but I continue forward, trying my best to ignore the pain. I can tell the others are beginning to get very worried, and are searching for somewhere to rest.

Opening my eyes just a bit, I see a cave up ahead. We rush towards it as fast as we can, and are instantly greeted with a dry place to rest.

Thorin moves over towards the nearest wall, and I quickly sit down, fighting the grimace that takes up the most of my face. I want to utter a "thank you" to him, but the pain is too much. Gritting my teeth and clenching my already bleeding fists is the best I can do.

Strangled Heart (Thorin Oakenshield x Reader) (The Hobbit)Where stories live. Discover now