*4* Our Journey Continues *4*

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Standing up, I turn towards Bilbo, who seems confused as to why Gandalf is storming off. "Everything alright? Gandalf, where are you going?" Bilbo asks Gandalf, seeming a bit worried now. "To seek the company of the only one around here that's got any sense," Gandalf replies angrily as he storms towards the forest. "And who's that?" Bilbo asks, seemingly now more confused than worried. 

I can't help but roll my eyes as he asks that. Even I know what he's about to say. "Myself, Mr.Baggins! I've had enough of Dwarves for one day,"  Gandalf practically yells before bursting into the trees. 

Letting out an exasperated sigh, I head over to one of the trees and lean up against it, my cloak covering my arms from the rough, yet wet bark. 

It's only now that I realize, the rain has stopped. I let out a relieved sigh, removing my invisible barrier magic from the air. I watch the others set up camp, thinking quietly about whether or not I should head out to hunt tonight or not. The sun has started to set, and I can't help but wonder how close we are to Rivendell. 

Did that Nightwing get that family to Rivendell? Are they alright? 
I quickly shake myself out of my thoughts, turning towards the tree and heaving myself up into it. I sit down on the lowest branch, removing my bow and quiver from my back and resting my back against the truck of the tree. Reaching to one of the nearby branches, I hang my quiver of arrows by the strap. Placing my bow on my lap, I reach into my cloak and pull out some weapon cleaner. 

My bow is made out of a beautiful Dwarvish Silver, though it has Elvin designs of vines and roses on it. Elrond had it specially made for me back when I lived in Rivendell.

I trace the markings with my fingertips, my dark red nails lightly brushing against it. Holding up the weapon cleaner, I glance at the many fingerprints covering the bow. 

By now, the sun has long set, and only the light of the fire allows me to see my bow. It's considerably darker than yesterday, but I can still see the outlines of the things and creatures around me. Grabbing my now clean bow, I set it with my quiver. Leaning back, I reach into my cloak and pull out a perfectly preserved apple. I've enchanted my food to never go bad, which will be quite handy on this quest. 

I bite into the juicy apple, quickly eating the delicious fruit. I throw the core of the fruit into the forest. Looking around, I notice that Bilbo and the twins are nowhere to be found.

Where the hell is Bilbo?

Sitting up a bit, I continue to look around, hoping to spot him. 
Suddenly, the young princes, Fili and Kili burst out from the tree line. 
"Bilbo's been taken by Mountain Trolls!" Kili screams running up to Thorin with a panicked expression. 

My eyes widen. Quickly, I hop out of the tree, slinging my bow and quiver onto my back. I walk over to the group, ready to join them, when Thorin stops me. 
"You are to stay here, Shadow," He says to me before turning to leave. 
Smirking and rolling my eyes, I say, "I'll give you a ten minute head start." Before turning back to my tree. 

Thorin doesn't seem to have heard me as he leads the others into the forest. Meanwhile, I lean back on my tree, counting out a full five minutes before jumping into the tree and swinging towards where they left. As I get into the forest, I can see a warm light of what soon appears to be a fire. 
Reaching the edge of the clearing, I see Bilbo trying to stall for time. I climb to the top of the tree before adjusting my hood to cover my face. 

I stand in the tree, which is taller than the three, very ugly trolls. "Oh, boys?" I call out, catching everyone's attention. My eyes flicker over to Thorin's, which are surprised and- is that worry? 
The trolls smirk at me, ready to try and catch me, before the oldest one realizes who I am. 

"It's the Nightmare! What do you want?" The oldest one, Bert, the cook I believe, calls out. I step towards the end of the tree, calling out, "You to release the Dwarves and Hobbit."

They all laugh, and Bert walks over to me, standing right in front of me. "Why would we do that?"

I lean in, my hands on my swords as I say, "Because if you don't, I'll have no choice but to spare the world from a few ugly trolls."

The troll laughs again before reaching for me. "Looks like we've got ourselves desser-" I jump forward, slicing my swords across his neck before jumping back into the tree. The troll falls to the ground a large, unsettling boom, barely missing the pile of dwarves. 
My eyes find their way over to Thorin's, which are full of shock, but I don't look for long. I jump at the next troll, my right sword pointed in front of me, the left one downward. The swords pierce into his head, and the force causes me to fly through his head. I fly out the other end of his head, my swords plunging into the tree behind him. His body falls, causing another boom as I slide down to the ground, turning to the other troll and removing my sword from the tree. 

I'm covered in troll guts, which absolutely stinks, but I know that I must look absolutely horrific, which boosts my confidence a little. 

The final troll's eyes are wide, and only now do I realize that I'm right next to Thorin and the others. But, I know I can't focus on that. Placing my swords into their sheaths, I pull out my bow. Loading the bow with five arrows, I take aim at the troll's eye, heart, and neck. Two for the eyes, two for the heart, and one for the neck. 
I release the arrows, watching as they quickly pierce the thick hide of the troll. Panting, I watch as he falls back into the trees, dead, along with the rest. 

Turning to the others, I start freeing them from their bags. After freeing Oin and Gloin, I let them finish up freeing everyone while I clean the troll gut off of my cloak, which, luckily, is the only thing that got covered in troll. 
Removing my hood, I start muttering a spell to remove the guts. Because of the many times I've had to kill trolls, I invented the spell. 
But before I can finish the spell, I hear footsteps behind me. 

Strangled Heart (Thorin Oakenshield x Reader) (The Hobbit)Where stories live. Discover now