"He's around..." I shake my head to myself as I pause, remembering how tall he was compared to Angel. "He's around 6'4, give or take. Probably in his mid twenties. And, um... that's pretty much all I've noticed about him."

I hear some muffled voices and movements on the other line, before the woman's voice again. "And, what about the girl? Do you know her name?"

"Yeah, her name is Angel Healy, and she's 23," I say, for a start, while figuring out what to say about her first. "She's got brown, curly hair, it goes to her mid back, blue eyes, about 5'7. She's wearing a black blouse and black jeans and black boots." I purse my lips, closing my eyes for a split second. "She has a tattoo under her left collarbone, and one on her ankle."

"Okay, that'll do it," The woman tells me, giving me a tiny bit of hope. "Give me a number which our people can contact you on, in case they find her."

I give the woman my cell phone number, while pulling it out and making sure my phone isn't only on vibration anymore. "Thank you, in advance. Have a nice day."

I pull my lips between my teeth as I end the call, and stare at my phone for several seconds. Calling the police and actually doing something about the whole thing makes me feel better than just lying down would have; even though I said like a million times before, I would not have laid down.

"So?" I look up at Seth, his hands in his back pockets and his eyebrows raised in slight concern. I mean I appreciate that he's worried and all, but I have a weird feeling he might be worried a little too much.

"Well, I described them to the operator, and now we wait," I tell him, talking slowly so I wouldn't stumble over my words, and narrow my eyes at him. "You remember our bro code, right?"

Seth's hands fall out of his pockets, and he looks annoyed by my question. "Yes, sisters, family members, ex-girlfriends and especially current girlfriends are off limits." He raises an eyebrow at me, "You do know I was kidding earlier, right?"

"You might wanna find another way to joke," I force a smile, and look down at my hands. He's my best friend, but this wouldn't be the frist time I lost a girl to someone better than me.

"Alright. I get it," He claps his hands together as he takes a few steps toward me, while I'm leaning against the wall behind me. "She's special. Not only because of how she looks and what she does, she's... she's the Leanne-kind of special, right?"

I smile, remembering how I used to tell him that Leanne was something special, just a couple of months back. "Definitely not the Leanne kind of special," I mumble, still looking at my hands, though I look up when I feel his hands on my shoulders; I guess he realized what I'd meant by that.

"Okay, now I'm going to hug you in a completely platonic way, because you're going through a rough time, and then I'm gonna leave if you want me to." I start chuckling as he slowly puts his arms around my neck. "We're hugging, yes, this is a hug. A hug that never happened, if one of the guys ask."

"Thanks Seth," I say as I pat his back, both sarcastically, because of that last remark he made, and genuinely, because he cares enough to hug me. And in the roughly six months that I've known him, he has never hugged me. There have been a few drunken 'I love you''s whenever I'd put him to sleep after a wild night out, but never a hug.

"Right. Do you want me to go now? Or we could go outside, I think they're gonna start the fire soon."

"No," I reply as I exhale; now that I've called the police and they're working on finding her, I could go to my room and lie down. I don't feel like sleeping - I actually feel like I just had a few gallons of coffee - but I could just lie in my bed and wait for a call of any sort in peace. "I think I'm gonna go to my room and just... wait."

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