After everyone had their fill of the Capsickle pancakes they all left to do their own things. Stark excused himself saying he had a meeting and Dr. Banner went to his lab. Roman went to the elevator and instantly felt someone by her side.

"Is everything well little one?" Loki asked glancing down to Roman and she rubbed her head.

"I just have a headache." Roman said smiling and getting into the elevator. "I couldn't help but notice that Hawkeye wouldn't look at me or you during that entire meal, what did you do." Roman asked looking at Loki.

"When I took over New York I used him as a slave using dark magic." Loki said looking away and Roman sighed.

"Forgive yourself Loki, you were under the influence of jealousy and rage, two horrible emotions that should never have control." Roman smiled and looked up into his green eyes. "Forgive yourself." Roman said looking away and taking in the moment.

Loki's hands grabbed hers forcing her to look at him. He held her hand in his and smiled, pure and genuine. "Thank you Roman." Loki said his eyes softening and then going back to his cold demeanor.

"Your always welcome Loki." Roman smiled, "wanna watch something in my room?" Roman suggested and Loki chuckled.

"Inviting a man to your room? Such a devious plan." Loki said smiling, "but I have nothing planned so I would love to." Loki said walking to Romans room.

"Do you have Starks Netflix account?" Roman said and Loki waved his hand and suddenly Roman was into the Netflix account.

"That would have saved me so much time." Roman said and Loki smirked.

"A real trickster does not reveal all of his tricks at once." Loki said opening his hand and a bowl of popcorn appeared. "Maybe you'll get to see them all one day." Loki said and for some reason that caused Roman to blush.

"What do you want to watch?" Roman asked looking at her suggested.

"Horror?" Loki suggested and Roman bit her tongue.

"Fine, fine but don't get mad when I barge into your room at three in the morning because I heard something." Roman said clicking on the first movie she saw.

"Based on a true story I'm most definitely going to be pissing myself by the end of this." Roman said snuggling under her blanket with Loki besides her. As soon as the ommunis music started Roman regretted this endeavor immediately.

The woman got grabbed and dragged backwards and suddenly a loud slam echoed the room and Roman watched intently as the music started to become more dramatic. Loki watched and smirked when he saw Roman clutching her blanket. The daughter jumped out from the doorway with blood pouring from her eyes and Roman jumped and yelped. She turned and faced away from the TV hiding her face.

"Should we stop?" Loki asked pausing the movie seeing as Roman started to hyperventilate a bit.

"I'm fine I just need to-" Roman got up and started pacing around the room.

"Come here." Loki said and Roman obeyed. He took her hands and suddenly she was on the top of the tower.

"Scary movies scare me in ways they shouldn't." Roman went on a tangent. "I mean there are actual demons out their tormenting people and spirits and hell there are fairies!" Roman said tearing up and crying. She didn't really know why but she just needed a release.

"Roman take a breath." Loki said placing his hands on her shoulders and forcing her to look at him. "Most of those scenes in the film are over exaggerated, while these are trickster spirits they cannot cause physical harm to people in such ways." Loki said explaining how the Nine Realms had supernatural creatures but due to this only the truly powerful could cause physical and emotional harm. "Better now?" Loki asked as Roman sniffled.

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