Figment: Part 3

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A/N- Sorry I haven't updated in ages. I have no excuse other than laziness and not trying to make time to write something. This is the third and final part of figment and I just want to warn you all now it's not going to have a happy ending unlike all my other one-shots so far. Regardless of that I hope you enjoy reading.

Fred's POV

I had just finished my worrying conversation with Jughead and to be honest I'm worried out of my mind. I had thought that Archie had taken all the black hood and murder of Jason Blossom stuff well, almost too well, and now it looks like all the pain and stress had caught up to him and was starting to take its toll on his mind. I have no idea what to do about this. Usually I think of myself as a good advice giver and I can be counted upon to be the cool head in a bad situation. Now, however, it seems I have come across a situation that I have no idea how to handle and it terrifies me. I'm scared of being a bad father and even more scared for Archie. I sit in the kitchen until I hear the front door open and the sound of Archie's voice. He is laughing and seems so care free, it kills me when I realise Archie is here alone and is in fact speaking to someone who only exists in his mind. 

"Hey dad, this is Veronica who I was telling you about. Is it okay if Ronnie stays for dinner tonight?" Archie asks optimistically.

"Ermmmm... sure son." I reply not sure yet how to tackle the situation.

"Okay we are going to go upstairs for a bit." Archie shouts already halfway up the stairs.

I sit in silence for a moment realising how much is at stake here. I had already lost my wife and Archie's mom Mary, I wasn't ready to lose my son to this but I'm struggling to see a way past this. I stay staring at my hands for a while stalling the inevitable conversation that I would have to have with my son. I slowly pushed my chair back, noticing the piercing scraping sound that the chair made against the floor. I made my way upstairs and listened as Archie's laughter became louder as I got closer to his room. I lightly knocked on the door and pushed the door open looking solemnly at my only son.

"What's wrong Dad?" Archie asks after he stops laughing and sees the look of defeat on my face. "Has something happened?" he questioned.

"Arch who are you talking to?" I ask.

"Veronica dad I already told you who she is. Gosh first Jughead and Betty and now you. Why are you acting so weird today." Archie snaps clearly becoming quite frustrated by the situation.

"Arch there isn't anybody there. I think you are seeing things. Veronica... she isn't real son." I admit with a shaky breath, trying hard to stay strong for my son and not just burst into tears on the spot.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN? SHE IS RIGHT THERE! JUG AND BETTY SAID THE SAME THING, ARE YOU ALL BLIND!?" Archie shouts standing up from where he was sat on the bed. As he stands up he starts to sway a little, taking his hands and grabbing the sides of his head. The situation was clearly becoming too much for his mind to deal with.

"Arch are you okay?" I ask. As soon as the words leave my mouth his eyes roll up into the back of his head and he passes out hitting the floor hard.

"ARCHIE!" I yell rushing towards my son whilst pulling out my phone and calling 911.

Archie's POV

Black. That's all I can see. I can't hear anything, the silence is deafening. I can't really remember what just happened or why all I can see is darkness. Suddenly I am able to open my eyes and it's as though all of my other senses are awakened with them. I can hear birds singing and can hear the rustle of the leaves as the breeze blows through them. I can feel the sort grass beneath my body and I can see the blue sky speckled with the odd white cloud floating by. I slowly sit up, slightly confused, and look around me. I notice a hill in front of me with a big willow tree at the top. Sat under the willow tree is the most beautiful sight. My raven haired princess is at under the willow, amongst the flowers. She has her hair down and slightly curled and the wind occasionally blows through her hair revealing her face. She has her eyes closed and a huge content smile on her face. I can honestly say I have never seen a more perfect sight in my life. I suddenly remember I have use of my legs and smile a big goofy grin as I make my way towards her.

"Hey Archiekins." She speaks turning to look at me. Her stunning brown eyes shining in the sunlight.

"Hey Ronnie. Where are we?" I ask her whilst sitting down directly next to her and lacing her fingers with my own.

"Does it matter? Let's just enjoy this moment together." She sighs. I notice an element of sadness in her voice for a moment but she tries to hide it.

"What's wrong? I can tell when somethings bothering you." I admit reaching my hand under her chin and gently moving her head so she is looking into my eyes.

Her eyes fill with tears and one slips down the side of her face. Somehow even though she is crying she is still the most beautiful sight I have even seen. I get a sinking feeling in my stomach seeing her upset. I move my arms around her and pull her into my chest, wanting to protect her and stop whatever is upsetting her to hurt her anymore.   

She takes a shaky breath as she pulls away from the embrace. She puts one hand gently against my cheek before she says the unthinkable. "I'm afraid this has to be goodbye Archiekins." She cries.

"What do you mean this has to be goodbye. Veronica you are it for me. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. If your parents are making you move back to New York I will follow you anywhere." I say, the desperation evident in my voice.

"Im sorry Arch but there is no way we can see each other again." Veronica soothes with tears like waterfalls cascading down her perfect face.

"But Ronnie..." I start to say but she cuts me off and she smashes her lips against mine giving me the most passionate and desperate kiss anyone could ever imagine. In that moment it felt like nothing else mattered. I feel as though Ronnie was the missing jigsaw piece and with her here I finally felt complete, but just like all good things the kiss had to come to an end. We break apart, both slightly out of breath and she gives me one last small smile before she gracefully stands.

"I love you Archie Andrews." She declares. Then she turns and starts walking away from me down the hill.

"WAIT! I LOVE YOU TOO RONNIE, PLEASE DON'T LEAVE ME!" I scream after her. I try to stand but its as though I have lost use of my limbs. I continued shouting and pleading to her whilst I struggled to get up to follow the girl of my dreams. The next time I looked up she was only a dot in the distance.

All of a sudden all I can see is white, I'm in a white room on a scratchy bed. The white is hurting my eyes. I can feel my heart beating out of my chest. I look around panicked and confused when I notice my dad, Betty and Jug all looking at me with a sympathetic gaze.

"Where am I? What's going on? Where is Ronnie?" I frantically ask them, only really caring about the answer to the final question. 

A doctor then comes forward and I realise I am in a hospital, she then speaks to me. "I'm really sorry Mr. Andrews but this Ronnie you keep speaking of isn't real. Your recent traumatic experiences caused your brain to imagine this person but we have put some drugs into your system so you shouldn't be seeing any more figures again." The doctor informs me before leaving the room.

"What..." I mumble trying to process what the doctor just said. Then I start hopelessly crying and screaming out for Veronica. I try to grab the needle out of my arm that is giving me the drugs but my dad and Jughead hold me back. This stupid needle stops me from seeing the girl of my dreams... That's when it hits me. That's all Veronica lodge will ever be, the girl of my dreams. Merely a figment of my own imagination. An escape from my grim reality.

That's the moment the I Archie Andrews broke, and I will never be the same again. 

A/N- Sorry that was not a happy ending. Writing this made me so sad. I did, however, enjoy writing this and I hope you guys enjoyed reading. Until next time!

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