Stalker - Part 1

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A/N - Sorry this is a short one but part 2 will be coming soon.

Veronica's POV
I have been having this odd feeling lately, an uncomfortable feeling, as if someone is watching me everywhere that I go.

I feel it when I stand in my kitchen at night, as if someone is watching me through the window. Yet when I look, I rarely see anything at all. Sometimes I see shadows but I'm starting to tell myself that I must be going crazy.

More recently, to my dismay, I've started having this feeling of being watched everywhere I go. At school I feel it, at pops, at cheer practice and even sometimes at Archies. I haven't told Archie about this. I don't want him worrying about something that probably doesn't exist... probably.

Anyway, I stayed late on my own after school tonight to catch up on some work. I had an uneasy feeling about being alone but I pushed the feeling away. After all I can't never go somewhere on my own again. 

I finish my work and pack up to start walking home, before it gets too dark.
The second I walk out of the front door the feeling comes back but more intense than ever. Everything in me is telling me to run. I decide not to though. I need to get over this irrational fear that I have.

I start my journey home. I hear a twig snap behind me but I force myself to rationalise and I don't turn around. I'm sure its just an animal... right?

I'm now half way home when I notice foot steps behind me. Quite far behind but they are definitely there. I also notice their long shadow coming up beside me. I feel panic building up inside.

I again mentally tell myself to calm down. Its not that late. Other people are allowed to go out and walk too. 

I'm thinking of Archie and our date we have planned tomorrow night to try and tale my mind off of things when I hear the footsteps behind me picking up in pace.

Now I know something isn't right so I pick up my pack too and grab my phone. I dial Archies number automatically. Thankfully he picks up right away. 

"Hey Ronnie. What's up?" he speaks softly. Instantly making me feel a little at ease. 

"Hey I'm walking home and I don't want to worry you but I think someone is following me." I whisper the last part so the person behind me doesn't hear.

"Can I walk to your house instead since its closer" I add.

"Ronnie I'm already on my way to meet you, just stay on the phone okay" the concern is evident in archies voice which only worries me more.

"okay" I sigh trying to compose myself. I can hear archie panting down the phone as he runs towards me. 

The thought of Archie coming to help me soothes me a little until I hear the footsteps behind me picking up pace...

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