Empty - Part 1

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A/N- Hello guys! It's been a long time but I'm back :) I didn't have any inspiration to write but recently I've had some new ideas so here I am. Sorry this is only a short one but it's a start and hopefully part two will be up in the next few days. Hope you all enjoy and thank you for over 10K reads! I never expected so many people to read my appalling writing.

Veronica's POV
Empty. That's the best way to describe my current state of being. Archie and I broke up last week over a stupid argument, and now I'm not sure how to go on.

Let me take you back to how this all began last Saturday morning...

I have a lot on at the moment between juggling school, my business and my parents. Archie keeps asking when we can spend some time together which really is just adding extra pressure. Don't get me wrong I would love nothing more than to see my Archikins, however right now I need him to understand that I need him to support me with all my work.

"You've just been so distant recently Ronnie" Archie sighs whilst running his fingers through his bright ginger hair. "I'm starting to feel like it's always me asking to make plans, and you don't put in the effort" he adds.

"Please don't say things like that, you know I'm worked off my feet at the moment" I say feeling a little frustrated.

"Well how about what I want Veronica. Why does everything always have to be about you!" I can tell Archie is getting mad now, he never calls me Veronica.

"Try abs see things from my point of view. I make as much time for you as I can but when things get busy with work you know I don't have anyone else to sort it." I plead hoping he understands where I'm coming from.

"You know what I think the problem is, I think you don't love me like you used to!" Archie shouts.

Ouch that one hurts. My face drops a little and my eyes glaze over with tears. I can't believe he would say such a thing. His face quickly shifts from anger to guilt as he realises what he's just said.

"Ronnie I'm sorry I..." before he finishes I cut him off.

"No... I get it and if that's how you feel I will leave you to find someone that makes you happy. I'm sorry I couldn't be that person for you." As I say it tears stream down my face.

" Ronnie please don't do this" he pleads tears also escaping his eyes at this point.

"I need some time Archie. My head is spinning and I can't think. I love you but you constantly fighting with me to make plans when you know I can't is making me feel ill, I can't carry on like this. I'm sorry" I sob.

"Fine." Archie punches the wall and slams my bed room door as he leaves.


And that pretty much brings us back to where we are now. Me alone with in bed sobbing over the loss of the love of my life.

I haven't really slept since it all happened. When I try to sleep, I just ended up dreaming of him and what might have been if we hadn't had this stupid argument. Last night I had dreamt that we had gone on holiday the Bahamas, we didn't talk, he just held me close whist I inhaled his scent mixed with the sea breeze. It was perfect... until I woke up anyway. It's crazy what sleep does to you. You have that one blissful moment in the morning when you forget what has happened, you grab your phone expecting to see a good morning text. Yet there you are, your phone as empty as you are.

I also haven't really been eating. I get hungry but then as soon as the food hits my stomach I feel sick. Surely things can't get worse than this right?

Wrong. My phone buzzed and it was Cheryl of all people.

Cheryl: hey girl, I heard about you and archie and I thought you should know. I think he's moved on. I saw him buying a ring today.


Cheryl: Im so sorry veronica. You deserve so much better <3

Veronica: Thanks for letting me know... ☹ 

I threw my phone against the wall and screamed. I can't believe he would move on so quick! Is he getting engaged already? Who even does that? Did our love mean nothing at all to him?! Did he ever even care?

I felt like I was drowning. I was shaking as I made my way to my father's drink cabinet. I started drinking to try and numb the pain. To try and forget the fact that he's probably happier right now with someone else.

The last thing I remember before I passed out drunk was thinking about his face. Thinking that its not my face to kiss anymore.

And that thought truly broke me.


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