Small Fry

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A/N- Hey everyone! So this will be about what happens in 2x21 when poppa poutines son small fry comes to the Pembrooke to avenge his father's death. I felt like in the show it happened but then nobody really talked about it afterwards and considering both Hermione and Veronica could have been killed it would have been nice to see the aftermath.

Archie's POV
With everything that has been going on with the riot that broke out and all I wanted to be a good boyfriend and check on Veronica. I was walking along the street on my way to the Pembrooke when I noticed the front door was left ajar. This was strange but I was certain everything would be fine since Andre is constantly on high alert for the Lodges. Regardless of this I had a bad feeling in my gut about this so I picked up my pace a little. I push the front door open and look around. The hall is eerily quiet and Andre is nowhere to be seen. My heart rate starts to pick up a little with worry.

"Andre?" I shout. Hoping he is just on a toilet break or something and that Im just making this whole situation up in my head.

I look behind the desk and feel sick at what I see. Andre is laying in a pool of his own blood, not moving. Most people would check to see if he is okay but I only had one person on my mind.

"Ronnie..." I mumble as I spring into action making my way up to where the Lodges live.

Just as I reach the elevator I heard a loud sounding like something hit the floor and two screams, one of which I would recognise anywhere as Veronicas. Now I'm freaking out and this elevator ride seems to be taking decades. My palms are sweating and I'm fearing the worst right now. The elevator doors begin to open painfully slow so I grab them and pull them open with all my strength. I run through the already broken down front door to the Lodge's apartment, which must have explained the loud bang I heard earlier. I run through the room, dodging all the knocked over and broken furniture as I go. When I burst through Mr Lodges office doors my heart sinks at what I see. A really tall strong looking guy holding Mrs Lodge with a knife pressed to her neck and worse still I see Ronnie, my Ronnie, in the corner of the room shaking in fear. Terror written across her face. I froze for a moment. I had no idea how to handle this situation. I was supposed to be Archie Andrews, Riverdale's local hero, but right now with so much at stake all I could do is stand there doing nothing. Veronica was the next person to speak.

"Who are you?" Veronica asks in a shaky voice which breaks my heart. All I want to do is wrap her in a hug and tell her everything is going to be okay.

"I'm small fry, Poppa Poutines son..." he sneers. "My dad told me if ever anything were to happen to him to go to Hiram lodge and kill all those he cares about the most." He says with a vengeful look in his eyes.

"Time to grant my father's wishes." He declares as he brings the knife dangerously close to Hermione Lodge's throat.

My mind is racing trying to come up with a plan that doesn't end in us all getting killed. I think I still have the element of surprise, as with everything that has happened nobody has seemed to notice me in the door way.

Small Fry now has the knife so close to Mrs Lodge's throat that a tiny bit of blood has been drawn. This is where all hell begins to break loose.

"MOM NO!" Ronnie cries grabbing onto Small fry's arm and trying but failing to get him to release his grasp on her mother. "Please don't hurt her!" Ronnie pleads.

Small Fry pushes Ronnie back and manages to deeply cut her arm with the knife in the process. Ronnie cries out ion pain, which is more than enough to knock me out of my terrified daze and spring into action. Nobody hurts my girl and gets away with it. All I see is red.

"Archie! Be careful." Ronnie cries out as I just about manage to tackle this intimidatingly large man to the ground. In the process of this Mrs Lodge manages to scramble free of the tight grasp.

I'm suddenly unaware of anything else that's happening other than keeping Ronnie safe behind me and not letting this attempted murder out of my sight. Small fry stands up and rams me into the ground with a grunt. I tried fighting back but it was pretty useless considering I was pinned under his full body weight and he was probably over twice the size of me. Veronica started screaming my name as we continued fighting on the floor, or should I say as I continued to get my ass kicked. Small Fry threw me against the wall where I banged my head pretty hard, I was dazed but I noticed small fry towering over Ronnie as she grasped onto her bleeding arm. She looked so defenceless so I tried with all my strength to get to her. Small fry picked up his knife and pulled his arm back ready to strike at the love of my life. Everything seemed to be going in slow motion as my whole world began to cave in at the mere thought of losing Ronnie.

Just when I thought it was hopeless a piercing shot rang out and small fry was on the floor. I looked around in confusion and noticed Mrs Lodge holding a gun she must have found hidden somewhere in Hiram's study. Small fry staggered backwards, before falling to the ground with a loud crash.

I struggled over to Ronnie who was still grasping tightly on to her blood soaked arm. "Oh my god Ronnie are you alright?" I fussed whilst gathering her in my arms and giving her a bone crushing hug. Enjoying feeling the touch of her in my arms and soaking in her sweet smell, suddenly more grateful than ever to have my raven haired princess in my arms.

Hermione lodge also comes over also giving her daughter a hug. "Veronica I'm so sorry." She continued to repeat. "I should never have let your father back into our lives I'm so sorry." She continued as she began to sob.

"Mom it's okay, it's not your fault. We are just fortunate Archie came over when he did otherwise we probably wouldn't have been so fortunate." She says whilst squeezing my hand and giving me a look of total admiration.

"I can't let you guys stay here." I suddenly say coming to my senses. "It's not safe for you both here, you can stay at mine until we figure something else out." I offer.

"Archie that's very kind of you but what will Hiram say..." Hermione starts until Veronica cuts in.

"How can you still care what he thinks?! We could have all died today!" Ronnie yells at her mother.

"With all due respect Mrs. Lodge, I have to agree with Ronnie on this one. Besides I'm very much in love with your daughter and would rather her stay where I know she will be safe.

With that the three of us head back to my house. Knowing that with the riots Riverdale hospital would be full so we do our best to deal with our cuts and bruises. I try to insist that Ronnie gets her arm looked at but she is stubborn as always and makes do with our first aid kit supplies. I can feel that this is the start of something big, tonight Hermione Lodge finally saw her husband for what he really is. This is officially the start of the fall of Hiram's empire and I couldn't wait for his empire to completely fall. Now however I am satisfied, I am in my room hugging the love of my life. Even though I can't wait for the future when we can bring Hiram down I also am enjoying every second of this moment because tonight truly taught me how life can be short and unpredictable and I'm just so grateful that Ronnie is still her with me, by my side.

It truly is us against the world.

A/N- So sorry I haven't updated in a while. I know I promised a varchie with kids story but I have been so busy and didn't have the inspiration to write it, hopefully I will in the future, so I thought it was better to update with this then nothing at all.  I have lots on at the moment and have genuinely never felt so busy but I will try and update as and when I can. Until next time 😄

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