Chapter 43

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“Alright. Thank you, sir.” Liam walked up to me as I was sitting on my couch. Apparently, he had finally gotten a hold of our landlord and was in the works for a new lock soon. He said something about changing the locks so that Danielle couldn’t come mooching her way back into his life. “So good news and bad news.” Liam clapped his hands together and sat down next to me, propping his feet up on the coffee table.

“Bad news first.” I requested, digging another spoonful of ice cream out of the bowl in my lap.

“Okay. So bad news is that I can’t get my locks changed, or get into my apartment until tomorrow.” Liam sighed heavily. I knew that he hated to be a burden, but really he wasn’t. I was actually enjoying his company. After all, Harry had been missing and nonverbal since we had that fight. Also, Liam helped me clean my place up, which was a plus.

“And the good news?” I asked.

“Well, I can get my locks changed at no cost to me.” He pushed two thumbs up and grinned. I giggled and nudged into him. “It’s the best feeling when you get something for free. Especially for a Uni student. I’m not saying that I can’t live off tea, because I can, it’s just nice to have some extra money.” He shrugged and then snatched my spoon away from me, taking a large portion of my ice cream with it.

“Dammit, Liam!” I shrieked, grabbing for my spoon, but failing miserably. He shoved it quickly into his mouth, eating up the ice cream. “Now I can’t fulfill my dreams of finishing a whole thing of ice cream on my own.” I pouted.

“Why would you ever want to put yourself through that kind of pain?” Liam chuckled, taking another spoonful of ice cream. “I bet doing that would make you incredibly ill.”

I nodded. “Yeah, but maybe it’s for the better?” I sighed, thinking about how Harry and I had left things the night before. Liam raised a thick eyebrow at me, probably wondering what my sudden pity party was about. “Just some things going on with Harry.”

Liam sighed and shook his head. “Always something with him.” He muttered, setting the spoon he had stolen from my back into my bowl of ice cream. I set the half liquid bowl onto the coffee table and brought my knees up to my chest. “Want to talk about it?” He asked.

I think the reason that I stayed friends with Liam was that he was always so willing to listen and was nothing like all the other guys who were jerks for the most part. And even when he was dealing with his own heartbreak, he was still concerned about my feelings. And if I didn’t talk about what was on my mind with someone, I knew that it was going to tear me apart.

“You know that wedding I asked you to go to with me?” Liam nodded. “Well, it’s my brother’s wedding and it’s really important. I’m one of the bride’s maids and I have a pretty big part in the wedding.”

“Sounds rough.” Liam laughed, making a grossed out face. “All those dress fittings and dealing with the bride.”

“Hanna is great. The bride’s maid thing isn’t so bad. I get to pick a dress. It’s none of that that I am concerned about.” I sighed heavily, hugging my legs closer to my chest. “Its just Harry. I asked if he wanted to go and he flat out refused. He said he “didn’t do weddings.’” Liam frowned, but nodded.

Until Now (Harry Styles)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ