Chapter 38

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“Oh my god, H-Harry S-Stop!” I shrieked, running from him in my apartment. He stood across my apartment from me with his hands up in surrender. We had been lying on the couch again, for the second day in row when he started tickling my sides with his long fingers. I had finished my exam early that morning feeling less than accomplished. I couldn’t stop thinking about the court date that was in a week, and that kept me from remembering several terms that I had studied.

“Alright, I’m done.” Harry chuckled, taking a seat on my couch. I watched his warily, but he did seem to be done with his onslaught of tickles. “Come on, sit down.” He patted the cushions of my couch and I shook my head. “Why not?”

“I have another exam to go to.” I checked the time and my next exam was within the hour. “Don’t you have any?” Harry shook his head, leaning back on my couch. “Then go hang out with your sister.” I didn’t want to kick him out of my apartment, but I really wanted to cram before this exam since the last one I took didn’t go so well because of my clouded mind.

“She went grocery shopping.”

“What is she, your maid?”

“Something like that.” He shrugged and then got up form my couch with a huff. “Well, if you want me gone so badly, I’ll leave.” He was so dramatic, but it was enjoyable. I liked this side of Harry. Forget the cocky, rude exterior he showed off to everyone around him. I liked joking, cuddly Harry. He was much better this way.

“Alright, I’ll see you.” I called from across the room, messing with him like he did with me so often. He quickly turned around and sped over to me. His hands found the sides of my face, holding me still, and his lips pressed firmly against my own. I melted into him as his hands moved down my face and rested at my shoulders. He pulled away and I watched as his tongue ran over his bottom lip.

“I have a question.” He poked my cheek lightly with his finger. I nodded, silently telling him to go ahead and ask. I would answer anything he asked at that moment. “Can you come to the airport with me tonight to drop off my sister?”

Oh. “I guess I can.” That wasn’t the question I was hoping for. But Harry said he didn’t date, especially since his last girlfriend cheated on him. Why would I be expecting him to ask if I would be his girlfriend? I had stupid dreams about it. “What time?”

“I’ll come by around six, okay?” He pulled away from me, but before walking away, he pecked my lips again and smiled.

“Alright. I guess I’ll be around.” I said.

“Where else would you be?”

“You know, partying with some random dude and getting ridiculously drunk at six in the evening.” Obviously I was joking. Harry shook his head, but his smiled still remained. God, those dimples.

“I’ll be here at six.” Harry said again, confirming the time for me again in the possibility that I wouldn’t actually be at home. “Bye Ashleigh.”

“Bye Harry.” I hummed in response and watched him walk out my front door. After a few moments of dazed bliss, I quickly gathered my things and made my way to the library to study for a little bit before my exam. After a good thirty minutes of relentless reading and memorizing, I felt as though I was ready for my exam. I quickly shot a text to Nicks, who would be taking the exam with me at the same time, and waited for her reply.

Until Now (Harry Styles)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora