Chapter 4

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Again, for the fourth time this week since moving in, I was awoken by loud music and banging upstairs. Four nights in a row? Was it really necessary to be so loud as to awake your neighbors on a week night? I wondered if Harry even slept. From the sound of it he didn't, but whenever I saw him on campus he looked fresh and awake even though his face was still recovering from Niall's fist. And then there was me. I had given up looking presentable because that extra hour of sleeping was actually worth the messy hair and dark circles under my eyes. 

"You look worn out." Nicks handed me a triple shot espresso from my favorite coffee shop of campus. I agreed to meet with her before class, this time; hopefully, I wouldn't be late and cause a scene. Well, hopefully there wasn't a fight I would have to break up that would make me late to class. 

"I'm pretty sure that Harry has slept with half of the girls on campus by now." I rubbed my sleepy eyes and drank the coffee I was given. Every night there was a steady rhythm. You can only get that one way. I mean with the way that he looked, no wonder he had girls lining up at his door, including Niall's ex girlfriend who I think is the girl with short, bottle red hair that keeps coming around the apartment complex. 

"Well you did say he was a sex god, right?" Nicks sipped her drink as we walked to the academic building where our class was held. "Maybe he is just waiting for you to sacrifice yourself to him. I would. I mean, damn look at that boy." Nicks gestured in front of us where Harry was standing. He was usually hanging around the academic building in the mornings. I saw him there for the past couple days. I'm not a stalker, just observative. I liked Eastern because of its small campus, but it was also a downfall. It was bad enough I could hear him all the time above my head, but I had to see him too. I grabbed Nicks arm and detoured to the side entrance of the building, avoiding Harry at all costs. 

"I just really need to sleep." I mumbled, running my fingers through my messy hair, trying to tame the unruly curls that fell past my shoulders. "Just a nap or something." I leaned against the nearest wall once inside the building and Nicks started to laugh.

"Why don't you ask Will if you can sleep over at his place?" She wiggled her eyebrows. "I bet he would love that." She smiled.

"I don't like Will that way, Nicks." I was adamant at keeping it that way. "Come on. We need to get to class." I pushed off from the wall and was caught by someone walking through. "Sorry!" I blushed, standing straight, with the person's hands on my shoulder to steady me, and apologizing again and again. 

"Don't be love, you can rock that body against me whenever you'd like." His words dripping slowly like honey off a spoon. Sweet, British honey. I then realized that his large hands that had steadied me by my shoulders were now at my hips. His thumbs rubbed circles into my flesh. I jumped back, smacking his hands away.

"Do you really have to be so vulgar?" I glared, grabbing Nicks arm and pulling her awe stricken body away from the scene.

"Only because of you, darling!" Harry shouted down the hall before Nicks and I disappeared into the lecture hall. 

"He wants you." Nicks spoke almost instantly. Class had yet to start, so we were safe to converse for a little while. "Ashleigh, that hot piece of, whatever the hell country he comes from, ass wants you bad. Stop complaining about his noisy habits and climb that already."

"Why would I ever want to go for a guy like that? He probably has an STD or something." I shuddered, pushing my hair away from my face. It kept falling so I pulled my hair up and placed it into a messy bun. "Plus, I'm done with guys." I pulled out my things for class, ending the conversation on my side.

"Ash, that was what? A year ago?" Nicks said calmly, sympathy in her voice.

 I looked over at her and her blue eyes told me that everything that had happened wasn't supposed to stop the rest of my life. But hell, my heart had broken and I was just only now getting over it. Give me time to cope. It hadn't been a full year. Well, almost a full year, but still. "Hardly." I said shortly. The instructor came into the room and made his way to the front of the lecture hall. I wrote the date at the top of my paper. This class, I was actually going to write the notes down. My school life was much more important than any cocky, curly haired guy.

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