Chapter 3

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My whole schedule was messed up because of him, because of Harry “Body like a Greek God” Styles. I had figured the name the blonde guy called him had to be either his nickname or his last name. I wasn’t sure which, but as a last name, it fit. The first class that I was late for was my sociology class with Nicks. I was that person who walked in late, gaining the attention of everyone. All eyes were on me as I spotted Nicks, near the middle of the lecture hall, and hastily made my way over and took my seat. The instructor continued, clearing his throat. “As I was saying…”

“Where were you?” Nicks whispered in a rush, writing notes as she waited for my response.

“Broke up a fight.” I said nonchalantly, rolling my shoulders. I brushed it off like it wasn’t that big of a deal, but in all reality it was. Especially with the things that my upstairs neighbor, whose name I knew then was Harry, said after the fight.

“What? Really?” Nicks’ blue eyes widened in shock, but she soon calmed down. “Yeah, I can totally see it. Miss I-want-to-save-the-world.” Nicks puffed her chest out and made a box with her arms. Her impression of me was more like that of a lumberjack.

“Ladies. Is there something you would like to share with the rest of the class?” The instructor stopped the lecture again because of me. Well Nicks too, but mostly me.

“Ah, sorry. It was nothing, sir.” I muttered under my breath. I rolled my eyes at Nicks when she said something about the instructor looking ‘damn fine’ in the suit he was wearing. I pulled out my notebook and wrote the date down and tried my best to pay attention. The last thing I could focus on was sociology. I wondered if Harry was okay. His face got pretty banged up, but even under the swelling, bruising, and busted lip, he still could be on the cover of some magazine.

“Ashleigh? Hello~?” A small hand waved in front of my face and I was brought back to reality. Nicks was standing, her bag over her shoulder and an impatient expression on her face. “What’s going on with you today?” She pouted. I stood up, putting my notebook away. I hadn’t written anymore other than the date in the top right corner.

“I didn’t get enough sleep.” I rubbed under my eyes, making sure I didn’t smudge my mascara.  “Maybe I should get more coffee.” We left the lecture hall and went our separate ways when she had to go to her French class where my next class was in the opposite direction.

“Lunch at the student center?!” She yelled, walking backwards. I was amazed that she didn’t trip over her feet. I would in an instant. I nodded, swiping the loose strands of my hair behind my ear. The next class breezed by, but I was still in a daze from the events of the morning.

Come upstairs whenever you’d like.

The words still resonated within me, chilling me to the core. It was like I could still feel his hot breath on my ear. A shiver ran up my spine and I jumped into a new step in my stride. Why did the attractive guys have to be overly cocky and arrogant? The world has yet to make sense to me.

I only had one more class for the day, but I needed the small break for lunch to get my thoughts straight. Maybe a healthy dose of people watching with Nicks would clear away the haze? As I approached the student center, a semi-familiar head of blonde hair came into view. I couldn’t tell from where I was at, but as I stepped closer to the building I realized it was the blonde student from the morning; the one that Harry was fighting. He was leaning against the wall near the entrance of building staring at his phone. When he looked up he saw me looking at him and I had no choice but to approach him.

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