Or is this the real world

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"I'm so sorry for your loss" my dad said to me patting me on the shoulder holding August from having a melt down over everything. "It's ok I never truly loved her anyway" that's when I heard that contagious laughter from maya "all of this just for a fish" I hit maya "not just any fish the fish I bought you to show how much I love you when you were in hospital and you've been out for less then a month and you let it die" she smiles at me knowing I'd give in to her but I look away "don't do that thing that makes me forgive you cause you killed a very good fish that auggie got very attached to" but by the time I go to look at her again she hold my hand in hers gently kissing me. I felt the butterflies go crazy in my stomach but I am brought back to reality when I hear my baby brother yell "mom there doing it again" I didn't care though cause having the feeling of Maya's warm hands tangled in my cold ones I knew for the first time in my life what everything meant. It felt like everything clicked and the light bulb came on.
That I have my world in my hands or should I say I have maya my world holding my hands and nothing is more important then being with the people you love cause one day we will all leave this world not caring about money or jobs or how many party's they were invited too. It's not about how I'm going to meet the world it's about what sort of impression I want to leave on it. So here's my advice. Love. Everyone equally. And don't forget that everyone deserves to love and be loved. Xxx

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