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Riley POV

The world stops nothing matter, it's just me and maya, together. I can taste her and I love it's the best feeling in the world. Until. She pulls away.
I open my eyes to see hers eyes had never been shut. She didn't taste my lips and the feeling Maya had I knew she didn't love, in fact she looked sick. She regrets it. I want to make it all better, but the problem is I'm hurting too. You know when people say don't date your friends, their right. It gets complicated and quickly.
I have to choose between my best friend Maya or my dream girlfriend Maya, and it's suddenly hits me that there's no competition.
"I think this was a mistake" I say to Maya looking at the floor. It was killing me to say, but my best friends happiness is the most important thing. If she can't be happy with me at least I can save are friendship, even if I die saying it.
A tear falls from her eye
"Me too Riles, we shouldn't have kissed"  
I sit down on the bay window and she sits next to me. She looks at me, I can't even look at her without crying so I ask "what do we do now?"

Maya POV

She won't even look at me and as she asks me what to do, I know she still cares. I think she forgets that I can read her like an open book. She's the only book I've ever looked at. I love how she depends on me and thinks I can make it all better. That's why I love Riley because she believes in me like no one else should.
I would die for her happily ever after, even if it's not with me and knowing I was making her sad was worse then dying, cause she doesn't even know the pain I'm going though. I am doing the right thing for her. If you love her set her free Maya, I tell myself
"We act like this never happened" I reply

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