I want you

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Maya POV

"Riley please stop" I said standing up
"Why Maya" she held my hand pulling me back to the sofa "Maya do you not see a future together"
"Of cause not Riley, we'll be best friends until the end of high school, then you will go to a posh collage like Yale or Brown. I will try to go to a collage but will drop out and probably get pregnant and have to work in a cafe too. We will met in a school reunion with your perfect husband or in other words Lucas"
I sat down after my word blurt of everything I hated about my life
She lifted my head with a smirk on her face
"What if I don't want a Lucas or a husband for that matter, what if I want a girl"
I look at her and her smile became deadly serious
"What if I just want you?"
I lend in and kissed her lips and the kiss was returned straight away and we were kissing as if the world was worth it, as if everything was worth it. As if I could love Riley. As if I was good for Riley, I was wasn't good for Riley.
I pulled away.

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