Chapter 22~ Bonfire, Talks and Cuddles

Start from the beginning

Demi's POV

        The bon fire was awesome. Katie got along with everyone that came. Halfway through it something compelled me to sit next to Nick so thats what I did. I sat next to him while Selena sat next to Niall and Marissa and Cody sat next to eachother. I think Niall and Selena would be cute together and so would Cody and Marissa. Hopefully the boys drop some and ask them out. Esspecially Niall, cause I am so sick of Justin hurting Selena. I am so glad they are done. 

            Cody and Marissa left halfway  through the night. Soon it was 1am and Selena, Niall, Maddie and I went inside. I thought Nick was following but I guess he stayed outside to help Katie put out the fire. Selena and Niall said goodbye and then Selena went to sleep in the guest room that is normally hers. Soon Nick came inside and I walked with him to his car and we talked for a bit. He asked if he could take Katie out tomorrow to get to know her better. I was a little surprised but said yes and told him I would text him her number. I walked inside and went upstairs. As I was walking to my room, Katie and I ran into eachother...quite literally. 
         "Shouldn't you be in bed Katie" I asked her
        "Uhhhh...probably. I was talking to Aunt Selena about something" 
 She said 
         "Mhm, I will let it slide. Nick wants to take you out tomorrow to get to know you you're going out with him. I gave him your number just now so um yea...go to bed."  I told her
        "Haha okay Goodnight mommy"  Katie said
         "Goodnight my goobear"  I said to her
        "GooBear? What?"  Katie said barely able to contain her laughter
         "Oh hush just go to bed babygirl" I said shaking my head

        I have some werid conversations with my daughter...I know, but I love them. With that I went to bed.
 Selena's POV

      I'm glad Katie and I had that little talk and that little cuddle session, she is just too cute. Justin did hurt me quite often but I wasn't sure if i want a new relationship just yet. I was happy being single at the moment. But I really do like Niall, he is so sweet and caring. Maybe he is what is right for me. 

      I fell asleep with that thought on my mind. 

 Nick's POV
        When Demi texted me asking me if I wanted to come over and meet Katie alone with some other people, I jumped at the chance. I have had a crush on Demi ever since I first met her. Demi ended up be herself...and falling. But after she was realased from the hospital, she texted me letting me know that the plans were just moved to tognight. 

        Not going to lie, I was really nervous to meet Katie. Everything that Demi told me saying she was awesome and really chilled around the well know famous people. So thats a good thing. 

        When I got to Demi's house for the night, I couldn't help but to stare at her. I mean Demi is as beautiful as a goddess, she's a warrior like Joan of Arc....she's my definition of perfection. Katie builds an amazing fire and she keeps some amazing control of it. Halfway through it, I found Demi moving to sit next to me, I also found Selena move to sit next to Niall same with Marissa and Cody. 

        Soon Marissa had to leave and Cody left not long after. I then found it to be 1am and Demi, Selena, Niall and Maddie went inside. I stayed behind because I wanted to speaking to Katie.

         "Hey Katie"  I called out
        "Holy shit...Nick I thought you went inside"  Katie said 
        "Sorry I didn't mean to scare you, no I actually have something to ask you"  I said
        "It's fine Nick, and what's up" Katie said
        "I was um wondering...if I could take you out tomorrow to get to know you better"  I said
        "I would like that Nick..but you have to double check with Demi"  she said
        "I know, I wanted to ask you first" I simply stated as I headed into the house. 

        I found Demi waiting by the stairs. I was about to say bye when she opened the door and motioned for me to come outside. As we walked to my car we made small talk. 

        When we got to the car, I pulled the serious question. 

        "Demi, So I want to talk Katie out tomorrow, I want to get to know her better"  I blurted out
        "Sure Nick, but you should ask Katie first" Demi said
        "I already did, she told me to ask you as well, haha"  I said to Demi
        "Well you have my permission...just don't hurt her Jonas. Don't push her to tell you anything, let her tell you by herself; she has had a tough life."  Demi told me
        "Of course Demi. I promise I wont do anything to upset her" I told Demi
   "Alright Jonas. I'm going to head to bed, drive safely and goodnight Nike. Thanks for coming" Demi said
        "Goodnight Demi and always" I said to Demi as I got into my car. 

        I waited to drive off until I saw she was in her house. I fought the urge to push her up against my car and kiss her. Her her lips they are just so beautiful. After I got home I saw I had a new text from Demi containing Katie's number. As I got undressed, I texted Katie.

          "Hey Little Lovato...or I should start this off as Hey Katie, It's Nick. Demi said I could take you out tomorrow so I will pick you up in the late morning towards the afternoon."

Not too long after I sent the text I got a reply from Katie. "Okay" was all it said. With that I drifted off to sleep. 

Hello! My lovely readers! I am so sorry that it has taken me close to a month to update this fan fiction. I was dealing with some personal issues that was a little more important then writing at the moment, but for the most part that is solved. 

So I start actual college in 2.5 weeks and I am so exicted!! 

On with business: 

     1) The beginnings of Nemi!!! I hope you like it and thank you to those of you guys who commented Nick!

          2) I looked through my message box thing and discovered that my messges did not send to to those of you who entered my little contest, so I will send those out in a few once more, I appolize for this. If you have yet to enter...there are still spots open, so if you want to enter you still can. 

          3) QOTD: Where do you guys want Demi and Nick to go out on their first date? 

          4) I do post sneak peaks of the chapters on follow me if you want to see them. @laryssamarijka

That is all..until the next chapter my lovely readers..I wont take as long this time..I promise.

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