We get sorted and meet a Fluffy Pink Toad

Start from the beginning

Nico walked over to the hat, not at all nervous.  He put it on,  and we all waited for a few seconds. I saw his fist clench, and I guessed he was remembering Gaea speaking in people's heads during the giant war.

"Griffidor!" the hat called.

Nico, looking relieved, set the hat on the stool, and walked over to sit by Ron. At first, the slightly annoying wizard had been afraid of Nico. Even if he didn't know of the son of Hades' true parentage,  he still had enough sense to feel the aura of death around him, but pretty soon, that evapourated as they got to know each other. Apparently,  Ron was really annoying like Nico.

"Grace, Thalia!" The old transfiguration teacher yelled.

"Just Thalia," Thalia said as she slipped on the hat.

The hat was barley on her head when it called, "Griffindor!"

I maintained a neutral expression, but I was freaking out. Severus had warned me that the hat would go through our pasts, see how we handle losses, stressful situations and bad experiences.  He said this might reawaken suppressed memories from Tartarus.

"Perseus Jackson," a hush fell over the hall as I stepped out of the shadows. I guess I had that effect on people. They were probably all plotting to kill me.

I put the hat on, and sat on the stool, preparing myself for the worst.


When professor Macgonagall called Percy's name, I seriously hoped he would be in Gryfindor. I looked around, wondering where Percy was,  when I saw him. I held my breath. He stepped out from the shadows, looking incredibly powerful.  His windswept hair and his lean, muscular frame made him look like some sort of Greek god. ( ironic, I know). His eyes were bore into the hall, and everyone started up at him in awe. All the boys looked jealous, and all the girls had lovestruck expessions on their faces. He seemed nervous though, like he was waiting for something bad to happen. When I had first met him, he was with his friends, joking around, and laughing. Now, with all the eyes on him, he was more serious, and powerful. The one thing I had noticed in all the exchange students were their eyes. Nico's were a dark black, almost soul less. Thalia's were an electric blue, and seemed to reflect the colour of the great hall ceiling.  Percy's eyes were a vibrant sea green, exactly like the ocean. They reflected his personality.

Percy walked over to the stool, sat down, and placed the hat on his head.

His fist closed, just like Nico's had done. I guess the hat's voice really bothered them. Then, the hat stood up straight, and started to say," HUFFLE-" but them stopped itself. Everyone started whispering amongt them selves. The hat had never changed its mind, and had never stopped itself.

"SLYTHER-" the hat stopped itself once more. Now, the students were going crazy, wondering how the new guy had the qualities of two of the houses.

"Maybe I need to look deeper into your past. After all, you are tied between all four houses," the hat muttered loudly.

Everyone gasped, even Dumbledore and the other teachers. Nobody in Hogwarts history, not even Tom Riddle, had tied between all four houses. My scar gave a little twinge at the thought of Voldemort.( For some reason, I got shivers when I wrote that!)

"Not a good idea!" Percy whispered to it, but it was too late.


With another yell, the hat knocked itself off Percy's tousled hair and onto the ground.

Percy stood up, smirked at it, then walked over to the Gryffindor table, ignoring the stunned looks the rest of the table had given him. What was so bad about his past that had caused the hat to fly off his head screaming? I was sure that everyone in the Great Hall was thinking the same thing.

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