"You're right, Hart," Bucky paused, "no one should have to go through that kind of pain," he said, as he pulled her tightly into a hug, knowing what was going to deal with. An unbearable pain and waves of anger, sadness and fear surged through him.

"NO!" Lexi screeched as she attempted to squirm out of his grasp. He held back a scream by clenching his jaw and cringing. After another couple of seconds he released her, panting. "What the hell is wrong with you?! Why would you do that?!" She shouted.

"Because no one should have to bear that kind of pain. Including you," Bucky replied.

"I can't let you do that," she said as she was about place her hand on his shoulder, but he caught her wrist with his metal hand.

"Hart, your powers are undeveloped, untrained. You can learn fix your powers, you're just going to have to work a little harder to undo what you've trained your to do. You'll be able to take away pain without killing yourself in the process. Store that emotion that isn't yours somewhere that doesn't affect you. Until that day comes, I'm going to help you with that." He told her. It took her a moment, but she responded.

"Okay," she finally said.

"You do know that I'm going to have to tell the team about this, right?" He asked her cautiously, hoping she wouldn't care.

"I figured," she replied, "but what about the girls?"

"They don't have to know, but I think they deserve an explanation for what they just saw."

"I'll tell the ones that saw us," she told him. He paused for a moment, making sure she wasn't lying.

"Thank you."

"What for?"

"For everything you've done for me. For all of us, even though I'm the only one who knows how much you've helped all of us. But you can't do it anymore. Just wait until you're trained, I don't want you to hurt anymore. Promise me you won't do it anymore."

"You know I can't do that."

"Promise me, Hart," he demanded, "I don't want you to hurt anymore." She looked at him with wide eyes, still red from crying. Did the moody, careless, sarcastic and scarred Bucky Barnes care about her? She wondered.

"Fine. I promise," she agreed reluctantly.

"Thank you. We should probably go to bed though, it's late." Bucky pointed out, standing up, and looking at the time. It was around three in morning. Lexi nodded, and began to stand up, even though her knees were a little weak, so she stumbled a couple of times. She began making her way out the door, when Bucky called her at the door.



"Just because I'm helping you doesn't make us friends." He told her grumpily. And there was his grumpy demeanor. Lexi rolled her eyes at his comment. Yep, he didn't give a shit.

"Gladly. Goodnight Barnes."



"Rave, we've come so far in three years. We both have stable jobs, lead good lives and now we've made the decision to move in together. I love you so much, I can't wait to live with you. This condo isn't just going to be a condo, it's going to be our home." Damon commented, holding Raven close to him on their new couch, not even paying attention to the TV, only to her. Raven smiled and kissed her boyfriend passionately. After a few moments, she pulled away and smiled.

"And once we decorate this place, 3416-635 West 42nd Street, New York will be the best home we've ever had."


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