Ticci Toby

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You are a newborn.

Ticci Toby's Point of View:

Slenderman sent me to hide all of the bodies in his forest again. Wasn't it Masky's turn? Oh well. Anyways I finished hiding the bodies, and started heading home when I heard a conversation between a man, and a woman. "We can't keep her, she'll only be a burden." I heard the man say. "Fine we will leave her here." I heard the woman. They set down something and left. I waited for them to leave before I went over to the 'her'. I found a pink blanket, and around the blanket was a baby girl. Stupid parents. Why abandon something full of potential? I took the ( hair and eye color) baby in my arms. She then started to cry. "Shhh.... it's ok big brother will protect you from now on little one." I said in comfort. I walked back to the mansion with little baby in my arms. I was wondering what I should name her. Hmmm. I pondered. Then I got it. (Your name)! That's perfect! I got home and everyone had questions. The tiny ( Your name) got overwhelmed. "Stop bothering her." I said sternly. I took her to my room and laid her in a box I covered with a blanket. I went down to explain this to everyone when she fell asleep. Let's just say...the little girl stole the hearts of everyone the moment she arrived.

Credit to David Near for the original voice of Toby.

If you guys have ideas for a character or senario (or both) please let me know. And I am starting on chapter two of the second book I'm doing.

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