12: "Don't touch me there!"

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Jimin returned to his friend's bedroom to retrieve his phone so he could leave. That wasn't initially his plan, but he didn't feel welcome anymore. The male quietly approached the nightstand as to not wake the seemingly-asleep Jungkook. Seemingly, he was asleep.

It was only when Jimin had turned to leave his room that he was pulled by the waist back into the bed. "Where are you going?" asked the sick boy in a whiny mumble to the older, who was laying horizontally in his lap, propped on only his elbows. His grip on Jimin's sides hadn't receded.

"Mom wants me home for dinner." Jimin was as nervous as he was expected to be. Anyone would be uncomfortable in that situation, being pulled like that into someone else's bed-- more less, lap-- out of nowhere. "We can hang out tomorrow when you're better-"

"No." Jungkook let go of his friend's closest hip to put that arm under his friend's legs and toss him to be laying appropriately. "You're staying tonight."

"I can't, Jungkook." Jimin reached for his phone that'd fallen onto the bed when he was pulled into it. "Stop being so controlling."

"What if this cold kills me? You staying is my dying wish."

"You won't die from a cold." Jimin moved hastily towards the edge of the bed, but not hastily enough. His torso was captive again. "Jungkook, I swear-"

"Please. I'm begging you. I don't want to sleep alone." He pushed his cheek against the back of the shorter's shirt and tightened his hold around his waist. The way he was acting made it more clear to Jimin."It's still obvious Jungkook sees you as more than a friend."

"You've slept alone all day. You'll be fine." He tried to pry the younger off him, but the vise grip he was caught in wouldn't surrender to his efforts. "Let go of me. Now."

"Can't you just text your parents and tell them your best friend needs you to stay? I don't want to sleep alone now that you're here."

"I should stop coming over then."

Jungkook went quiet, but wouldn't let go. Jimin knew he said it a little too coldly, and he felt it in his chest, too; he figured that was the best chance he had to distance himself at least a little bit as his mother had wanted. Too far, he told himself still.You went too far. And he knew for sure he went too far because the back of his shirt had become wet.

"I'll stay for a little bit longer," was what he eventually came to say. It was enough for Jungkook to let go--reluctantly. Not enough to make his chest stop hurting.

The healthier male moved back to where he'd lay for the time being, moving the pillow to the side to rest his head on the mattress, moving the covers to get under all four of them. The taller laid down again to follow. He was glad Jimin was staying, yeah, but he didn't want it to be because he was annoyed.

But he wasn't annoyed; he just felt bad. For making his friend cry, for thinking of how little time he and Jungkook had left, for taking him for granted. They both laid on their backs until Jimin flipped onto his side so that his back faced the younger. He'd assumed he'd be embraced from behind, but that feeling he didn't know he wanted wouldn't come. "Aren't you going to hold me?"

The question surprised the sick Jungkook. He thought of it as a trick question. Jimin never liked it when he held him, especially not in that way, and the voice the older had used was almost taunting-like. Who was he to not take the offer, though? If the taunter complained, Jungkook wouldn't be the one at fault.

The taunter didn't complain, however, as Jungkook got his chest pressed up against the shorter's back, as one arm went around his waist while another rested itself above his head, as the taller almost put a leg around him but thought against it due to the uncomfortable denim.

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