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Smith and kim are at yogtowers alone one night

Smith in going home

Kim there is somthing i need to tell you

Ok smith what is it

Kim i was thinking made we could get some food sometime

Sure smith i would love too see you then

So kim

Ya smith what is it

Well you and duncan dont see eachother any more why is that

Smith i cant tell you why me and duncan dont see eachother anymore

Pleass tell me kim

U wont say a word to no one

Ok kim now tell me

Smith i do like duncan it just there is someone else i love and they dont llike duncan so i have to lie about are kid to duncan what happen that night

What happen kim

Well i was was at a bar and there was this guy and he liked me but i tock to him and we fall in love with eachother and we kiss at his place and duncan called me and he was very mad at me having more then one lover so he want me to brack up with duncan so he can have me

But i said no i will not brackup with duncan
So me and him wach a movie for a bit then i had to leave

What next kim

I tryed to leave but then he kissed me on my lips and he made love with me wen it was over i hit him in the face
Then i want home of the night and the next day i got very sick i was so scard because if duncan foud out he is not the father of are kid we would never fall in love with eachother just like all the fanficshion about us

Made duncan will undertand your story kim he loves you

But smith what happen it dont work if i told him

That wont happen kim i will make sure of if

Thank smith you are a good friend of mine

No poblem kim any time

See you soon kim

Later that day


Who said thaat

Any one there

Whaaaat do you want

I cant ssssseee you

Who are you

Duncan can you come here i think yogtowers is hunted by a gost

Kim what do you mean

Duncan im scared

The voice is echao calling out

Kim was that you

No duncan

Kim i think we schoud say something to it

Ok you go frist duncan

Hello we wont hurt u


What do you want

My family back

Are you alone

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