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The next day
Adopschin day

Hello what do you want

Well me and my wife we would like to adop a kid for are family today
Im lewis bye the way

Well mr lewis

Let me see the papers of the kids we have

We have

12ld boy name james
13ld boy name jack
14ld girl name sky
16ld girl name.echao

Hannah wich one would you like to see
Can we see the 14ld girl and 16ld girl pleas

Sky echao come here pleas
Some people wont to meet you too

Ok can we finsh are game of bnd
No now came here or no food

Sky say hi

Hi im sky

Tell us little about your self

Well i love to go outside and play games witn my freinds
I lve to do math

Hi echao

Im echao
Nice to meet you

Echao tell us a little about your self

Well i love to do art and play videogames and wach videos on youtube and im vary shy to meet new people

Who do you whach on youtube

Well there is one channel i love to wach  the yogcast

Thx ehao see you soon


So who would you like to adop

Let us think

Ok mr lewis

Hannah made we should adop sky she is very nice
But lewis i wont to abop echao
Why hannah
Because she is like me and you
Ok hannah

Ok we have made our chice

Ok mr lewis who is it

We would like echao

Are you schere about her
She have bin here befor 

The other family dint wont her

We want her to be in Our family pleass

Ok mr lewis

Echao pov
Me and my freinds are playing bnd and minecraft
We have so much fun
Then i here my name being called to the door
Omg omg omg i cant even bleave this is happening to me
Im geting aboped

Hello echao wellcome to our family why dont you go pack up your things

Ok i will  thx you

Omg im going yo a new home
Made i will fall in love
I hope for a new life

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