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THe yogcast was sad

Lewis & hannah are sad

Echao pov
I try to move
But i cant
I cant feel
My heart is slowing
Im dieding
I cant see or hear

Everyone whats echao to wake up

Mr lewis

Yes nuris what is it

Echao migh not make it
We tryed everything to save her lewis
We are so sorry

Can i say. Good bye to her pleass
Yes you can

Lewis pov
I see echao she is cover in blood
I cry
I cant lose her
I pry to god



I ...dont ..want ...to ...die

Pleass holed on echao

........ i will ....tryyyyyy.....

Echao i love you

I .............................love............y.....

Echao no you have to live pleass dont leave me
and hannah pleass echao come back to me
I cant do this agian
I need you echao
I will miss you
And i love you echao
Good bye echao my dather

The yogcast leave echaos room and go home

The next 4 days

Everyone was sad even lewis and hannah
They miss echao so musch

They cry at her funural

"Here lise "
echao rosewood brinlity
- we miss you -

Duncan you ok

Im fine lewis it just i miss her

Me too duncan

Why did they tack her away form us

I dont know duncan life happens

We have to go guys

Ok lewis

The yogcast to yogtowers

Lewis makes a video on twich

Hey everyone
It is lewis here
And this video will be sad
I konw you all wont to see the new memmeder of the yogcast

-echo 22 said 'who is this member lewis'

Will her mane was echao everyone and she was 16 years old
And she was adoped by me and hannah

-jamlewis24 said "what happen to echao lewis"

Well everyone she was tacking by the goverment and wen we found her she was hurt
We tock her to the hosptial
The next day echao was very sick
And the hosptial tryed there bast to save echao

But wen we went back
The people told us

-lalnacat22 said "dont cuy lewis "

Echao pass awaya
Im very sorry everyone pleass dont cry for me and hannah i wont you all to remmeber her in your hearts

Good bye everyone

Lewis ends the steam and up loeds on youtube of everyone in the yogcast counuty

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