new start 32

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Hey guys and wellcome back
The year is 2034
Kim has bin died for 20 years

Everyone in the yogcast are happy

Lewis and hannah have a son named lalna

Clare is a youtube just like her mom and she works on fluxbubbies with duncan

Hannaible and his partner are top for the fbi
They are a team

L works at a sams coffee shop

Luck and james are friends

Charile is duncans ex girl friends

Zoey and fona are liveing with rythian
Zoey and rythian had a baby girl named alex nano hartsling
They are one happy family

Angle kim pov
Where am i
What is this place
What s going on and how did i get here

Wellcome back my daer nano
Mother what is going on
Well nano you are an angle my dear
But mother what about my family and all my friends
They are happy nano dont warry my dear u are safe
What do u mean im safe
Nano it is a long story with you have no time
Mother whare do i go
U have to go to haven
I dont want to be a angle mother and i want to go home
Nano u have to whah 8 years to get a wish
8 years is a long time mother
I know nano see you soon
You too mother

Hannible pov
*i miss my wife kim *
*bt we have to move on *
*i miss kim so musch and i love you*

Clare pov
My friend duncan and i have bin very good every day we play minecraft and some dnd with tom h

I miss my mom so musch i have lurn so musch from hannah and lewis

Duncan pov
My life is some what happy
I miss my flux bubbie kim so musch
But me and skyla are very happy being together

It has bin very hard to come to work an pass kims room and i try not to cry wen i pass her room in Yogtowers

Rythian pov
(Me and zoey are happy i do miss kim a lot )
(But im not the only here )

Sjin and sips pov
" me and sips are happy to be good friends but i think minty want me to live with her "
:sjin is very kind to me :
:i care about him :

The world seens to be fine
But kim is a angle now what schould she do as a angle

Kim pov
I miss duncan so musch
I hope he is doing well
I need him ,i miss him, i

sometimes life is hard for some people but we have to make a wish to do better in life

The yogcast are doing fine with youtube

L pov
Nano is safe
I hope one day she will come back to me
I miss her so musch
I love her

The next day

The yogcast make a video
"Hey everyone and wellcome back
We have to tell you all something
And we hope you all like it"

(It has bin about 20 years now seen one of our friends has passway )

We know u all love this person so musch but we are very sorry
But the pearson is kim risheards

She was very talented in her job and she make a lot of friends
We miss her so musch

' me and sips miss kim very musch '
:i miss her :

I know you all love her in your hearts but she is gone
I miss my good friend kim

(yogcast) Her Story Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz