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The next day at yogtowers

Hey duncan

Hey lewis how are you

Im good duncan you are happy

Well there is something i need to tell everyone here to day

Ok duncan i will call everyone to the commin room

Thx lewis you are the bust

In the commin room

Everyone duncan has to say something

- everyone (What is it duncan)

Will i have some good noes to tell you all

-everyone(what is it duncan tell us )

Ok  kim can you come here next to me

Ok duncan

(What is going on mad man)

Well everyone 


-everyone ( geting what duncan)

Me and kim are getting marryed

-everyone ( omg that is so cute duncan and kim you two are so cute for each other)

Wen is the weding duncan and kim

Well the weding is going to be in 4 weeks away

And there will be a party after the weding

That is woulderful duncan

Thx for that

Ok evreyone get back to work

-everyone (ok lewis)

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