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5 days later

Echao is very sick
Smith wonders about alyssa an why she is sick

At yogtowers
In minecraft

Kimm wheree are you
Ducan im over her
(Echo and lalanble try to kill them)
Duncan you ok
Im find kim what about you
Goood duncan we need to stop them
I know kim

-- hey
What do you want lalanble
--well u two are so blind
What do you mean
---you are so dume you clone even if you are in love with her
I am not in love
#####oh lalna you like her
(Lalnable trys to kill kim but duncan saves kim in the end)

Kim and duncan finsh the video for the day

Back at smith place

Alyssa you ok

Im fine smith

Are u sure alyssa

Smith im ok

Ok if u say so

At yogtwoers

(Rythian pov)
I miss zoey
God i love her so musch
I have to tell her i love her so mush

Smith drives to work

Hey rythian
(Hey smith waht is up)
Nothing musch rythian what about you
(Smith can i tell you something )
Shure rythian what is it
(Well you know zoey right)
Yes rythian i do
(Well i realy like zoey so musch i need your help )
Rythian ok i will help you with zoey
(Thanks smith )
No problem rythian any time friend

Duncan gos to the coffee muschen
He thinks about what his carater side to him

Smith phone go off

A- smith
S) what
A- i need help
S) what do you need alyssa
A- smith i love you so musch but
S) alyssa pleass tell me
A- i cant do this smith i love you
Alyssa is offline

Duncan i need your help

What is it smith what do you need

Duncan my girlfriend needs help

What you have a girl friend

Yes duncan and her name is alyssa
And she needs my help

Ok i will help you smith

Echao pov
I cant do this
They dont love
They dont rember me
My family is gone
My yogcast family dont remerber me at all

Echao runs form smith place and go to the tall is bluding in the city and crys about her life with the yogcast and her parents
That die 3 years ago

Echao phone gos off

S) alyssa whare are you
A- .........
S) pleass alyssa anster me
A- smith
S) alyssa where are you
A- im near york rood and king st why
S) alyssa i love you
A- you dont know what i bin though my life
I cant stand seeing the world like this
S) alyssa you are not alone in this world pleass dont
Die i love you
Duncan trys to ender the chat
S) pleass dont die i need you alyssa
A-smith i love you too
I know you will just forget me 
Like my parents
Duncan enders the chat
D*we need u
A- what do u what
S) duncan ?
D* what smith in tying to help u
A- smith i cant live
S) i love you alyssa
Alyssa leavs the chat

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