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Echao finsh the video of the yogcast
She gos to the common room and sits down
She thinks about lewis and hannah for a long time

Kim pov
I see alex she looks sad i wonder why she is sad
But me and duncan are happy but alex is sad

Hey alex

Oh hey kim what is up

Nothing what about you

Im ok kim

I know you are lieing to me alex you can tell me

Fine kim
Im sad i just miss someone

Who do you miss alex

I  cant tell u kim ok

Ok alex whatever

Hey you two

Hey lewis what is up


Alex did you finsh the video

Yes i did lewis

You ok alex

Alex falls to the ground cothing up blood
The yogcast look at alex they try to help
But alex is blooding form her mouth and she is crying
Alex passout in yogtowers

Eveyone is trying to help alex ( ak echao)

Ok me and kim will tack alex to the hosptel

-everyone - ok lewis

Lewis pov
O god i have to help alex she could die
Pleass stey with us alex
Im crying

At the hosptel

Lewis and kim get in side of the hosptel an dthey call a nurise of help

Can you help us nurise

Ok mr lewis
What happen here

Well kim was with alex and she was tacking to her and she was blooding form her mouth relly bad and later wen i enter the room she passout
Can you help her

Of course mr lewis
I will try to save her


Echao is lating in her bad
She is not moveing

Pleass wake up alex i need you
So dose the yogcast and everyone even kim

Pleass alex wake up for us

Llllllllllleewis you there

Alex you ok

Yyyyyes im fine lewis

Are you sure alex you ok

Im gooood lewis pleass dont cry not for me
Im ok you guys

Alex can you tell us the truth pleass
We need to know who you are
And how you found us

Ok kim i cant lie to you guys
Anymore i miss u guys so mush

What do you mean alex

Alex is not my real name i lie to you
Im so sorry for lieing to you two

Pleass you can tell us pleass we wont tell the others
Not even duncan or hannah

You guys promie not to tell them

We sware to you

Echao pov
I have to tell them
I cant go on lieing to the yogcast
God i miss lewis and hannah so mush
But kim and lewis have to know who i am
I miss everyone in the yogcast


Ok i will tell u

What is it

Iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimmmmmm so sorrry for what i did
I miss you so mush i cant go on
I made a channel called enderskygirl and hope of you gugs nothes the name and you did i was so happy to see you guys agin
And i cryed everyday for this day
Because i love you guys so musch

You miss us but we dont know you

But i remmeber you
From the day i meet you and hannah

You remmeber that but how and why

I never forget my family and friends
I know somewhere in your heart u love me
And so dose hannah
Pleass lewis i miss you

You miss me and hannah
How do you know this
Who toled you this

You did lewis
You toled me to never stop bleaveing in my self
For who i am

Alex what is your real name

Kim my name was so pure and innacent
I never lose hope in you guys
My real name

Alex you ok

U cant stop this
Lewis and kim
I have cancer tear 3
Im sorry but im dieing

You cant die alex you have to live
Pleass dont die
We love you

I know you all love me in the yogcast
But i have to go
Lewis and kim
Pleass tell everyone about my story
My real name is

Yes alex what is your real name

My real name is

Alex pleass dont go not yet
Stey with us

The nuries waks in the door and see lewis and kim crying

Im sorry but she gone lewis we are sorry

Lewis we have to go

Ok kim lets go home

The year is 2019

Eveyone in the yogcast staed around a grave
They all cry
Because they didnt know alex was echao
Time want on
Echao was lewis and hannahs kid

Here lies
(The girl theat never gave up on hope and love of her family and friends)

Eveyone in the yogcast never for got echao
Because they loved ehao so mush her name was remmeder in the yogcast

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