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7 years later

The yogcast is stell makeing videos of the channel

But smith and duncan are very good freinds

At yogtowers


Yes lewis what is up

Hannah do you think smith is ok

Lewis smith is doing fine

Many people in the yogcast are moveing on form youtube


Yes duncan what do you want

Kim why is your offices covered in boxes

Duncan im makeing my office clean and i have a lot of boxes to move to my car and take them home

Ok kim can i help u

Ok duncan sure friend

Any time kim

But smith is sad on the inside and her trys not to cry on camera wail makeing a video of hatfams

Smith makes a video

Hey guys welcome to a very diffent video today i would like to say some things that happen 5 years ago

Im sorry if this video get sad pleass dont get mad at me of not making  a video for a long time

Guys i know you all love my videos but i think it is time to move on form youtube

I know you all will miss my videos on this channel but its time to leave this for now i hope you all understand

Made it will be about a year i will come back to youtube and make more videos for the channel

I will miss makeing videos for now i love you guys

See you soon
Good bye

Smith ends the video and gos to the commin room and see duncan helping kim with her things for her office

(Smith you ok)

Im fine rythian what do you want

(Well smith i know you are stell sad on the inside )
Ok rythan im sad after she died )

(It is ok i know how you feel smith)
You do rythian )

(Of coures i do smith )

Rythan tell me who you lost

(Smith if u listen to my story)

Of coures rythain i will so start the story

Rythian thiank about one persone he lost in his family

(This story starts 2 years ago
It was summer of  april 22 2012
I lived in swiedin with my sister and our parents
Me amd my sister alex we did everything together )

What happen rythian

( 4 days later me amd my sister went to school and did are homework everyday but then things channed
My sister got very sick and i stayed home and tock care of her
Then my mom and dad came home that night
We want out of dinner then went home
We were driveing home and a car hit our car and my family crash )

(Me and my mom and dad were ok but my sister was very hurt
So me and my mom amd dad tock alex to the hosptel and the docter cam with alex injurys
And they told us that alex had 4 days to live
We alled cryed for my sister to get btter )

(The next 3 days were hard for me at school
I had to lie to her friends about my sister
The next day i went to the hosptel and i could see my sister of the last time
My sister cryed wen i cam in her room
I cryed too wen i sow her laying there in her bed covered in blood and She told me "never give up on your dreams " " i love u so  pleass tell the world i died for all the people who dont have a family fined one and they can be happy no mater what happens in life there is a god up in the stars good bye bother i love you*  and i Cryed and i hold her hand for her last minti with her
I called my mom and told her my sister is gone
I cryed everyday for her to be alive next to me in school)

( that is my story smith)

Wow rythian did you tell her friends affter she died

(No i didnt tell tham they would be sad just like me )

Rythian do you have dreams about your sister being alive

(All the time smith i just wish she was here to see what i did now but she gone smith amd i will never for get her in my heart )

Thank for the story rythian i think your sister is very proud of you of the work you do and i hope you have a very happy life with someone you love

Smith leaves the room and looks out the window
And see kim alone

Smith gos out side and tocks to kim

Hey kim
Hey smith what is up
Nothing musch kim what happen to duncan
He want in side of a coffee
Oh kim do you like anyone
Smith of coures i like someone im just shy to tell them
Who is this person you like kim
I cant tell you smith or hannah will find out
I will not tell hannah or lewis who u like
U proumes not to tell them who i like smith ok
My lips are cled kim tell me
Ok smith the person i like is .......
Pleass kim i need to know
Well i raey like duncan but i cant tell him i love him so musch
You like duncan why
Smith i like duncan as more then a friend and he is very cute and smart he is like everything to me
Ok your searct is safe with me kim good bye
See you soon
Bye smith see you later
By kim

Hey guys i know you all miss me but i bin waya form this book for a week but i will try to update you guys on my channel i know you all miss echao but she is comeing back soon to this book

-love skyla v

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