He spins the bottle and it lands on Liam, who was dared to sit in only his boxers for the next three turns. After the girl with pink hair spins it, it lands on a girl who reminds me of Ariana.

"Truth or dare?" she asks.

"Truth," she answers.

"Is it true you have a thing for Harry?"

Everyone turns to look at the girl, who has turned cherry red in the face.

"I- he's nice," she manages to spit out.

Everyone starts laughing making her even more embarrassed.

"Come here," I pat my leg and she walks over towards me, I pull her down.

"I'm not going to embarrass you, yeah? This will make all of the girls wish to be you," I whisper in her ear.

She nods her head and smiles at me, her cheeks still very rosy.

After a few turns and more lame dares, the bottle lands on me.

"Dare," I answer Jackson.

"Take five shots," he sends a smug look.

Jackson thinks he will be the next fraternity leader. Cole and I are the next in line, even though everyone already considers us the head of the frat. He's a rich douche bag with khaki shorts and Sperry's.

"That's a lame, repetitive dare," I say, "give me something more."

Niall cuts in, "Take someone's virginity."

"You think you can handle anything, Styles?" Louis asks.

"Of course," I reply harshly.

He smirks, "This stays in this circle, if any one of you spill, you will be banned from coming to the parties. Here's the dare; Mr. Harry Styles here has to date a girl, of our choice, and not get any feelings for her."

"Rules?" I lean back into the couch.

"You have to 'date' her for the rest of the school year. And you can't just say you're dating and not do things. You have to be like an actual couple and do dates, take pictures, walk together, all of that stuff. You will lose if you get any feelings."

I nod my head as he continues, "The point? She has to fall in love with Harry. And when she does, Harry has to break her heart with no care. He will get extra points for fucking her."

"What happens if I lose?" I ask, frowning.

"Jackson will take over your spot," he says and my blood boils.

"Fuck you for that. He's the biggest douche to walk campus. What happens if I win?"

He presses his lips together before answering, "You will get to keep your spot and you can kick Jackson out of the house."

Jackson's face drops at that and I grin.

"You've got yourself a deal."

Louis pulls the circle in to decide who I am going to 'date.' I decide to make my way towards the kitchen to refill my cup.

I am honestly not that excited for this dare, because knowing Lou, he will try and convince them to make me be with someone who I hate.

I rub my irritated eyes, I know that they are bloodshot red. My vision is slightly blurry and I laugh to myself when I accidentally overflow my cup.

I look over to the circle, and I see Cole there now. He looks at me and anger with a hint of guilt comes across his face.

I walk that way and he meets me halfway.

"Are you sure you want to do this? You're risking your spot for a dare. A fucking dare. I know you're drunk, and it's probably the alcohol talking, but do you realise or even care what you are risking right now?"

I nod my head as I take a drink, "Yeah, yeah. Listen, I have this under control. I am everyone's favourite so it's going to be easy. I will take the girl out on a date, tell her I love her, fuck her and then it will be the end of the year and whoop, won't ever have to see her again!"

He knocks me drink out of my hands.

"What the fu-"

He grabs my shoulders, "Really think about this man, you are not just going to be hurting one person in this. This is not worth it, I promise you that. I can't help you out of this one if you go through with this."

He walks away and I turn around and head back into the kitchen to make myself another drink. I walk past the spilt drink and manage to get into the living room without spilling much.

I face the group and Louis stands front and center, everyone else forming around him. I take one last big gulp and toss my cup to the side

"So, who's my girlfriend?"

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