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Harry's POV

"Cole!" I yell the second I step into the frat house.

My heart is beating a mile a minute as I race through the house. Ariana stopped trying to call me an hour ago. I knew fucking Lili would tell her, I knew it the second Cole saw me.

I race up the stairs and open the door to his room.

He's sitting on his bed with a cigarette in his mouth.


"Ariana knows!" I shout.

"Are you at all surprised?" he laughs.

"This isn't fucking funny! I can't lose her! I have to win this bet, I will lose everything if I don't." I say.

He takes a long drag from his cigarette, inhaling before blowing it out and shutting his eyes. He sighs before furrowing his brows and looking at me.

"That's all you care about?"

I nod my head.

He stares at me, he has a look of anger in his eyes.

"You mean to tell me that you only care about a damn bet? Not about the girl behind it? Not about the girl at all?" his voice begins to rise.

"You are going to stand there and tell me that you don't care about Ariana's feelings? Regardless on if what you guys have is technically 'real' you still went and cheated. You still went behind her back and slept with someone else. You still broke he heart months before you ever even had to."

Now it's my turn to stare at him. I'm not speechless very often but right now I am.

"Do you know what it feels like to carry this guilty feeling around with me, everywhere I go? I have to lie to my own girlfriend, I have to lie to Ari, who, by the way, lights up at the sound of your name! I have to sit and watch this girl fall head over heels for a guy who couldn't give two fucks about her! You can't lose her because you know the second you do it's game over."

"I care about her," I manage to get out.

"Do you Harry? Or do you care more about your spot in the frat?"

"Why are you turning against me?" I ask.

"I'm not turning against you, Harry. I'm trying to open your eyes. I told you that night that I wouldn't be able to help you out of this one. I stand by that. I can't help you out of the mess you will make with her or with the frat."

"Fuck.." I mumble.

"You never fucking think, Harry. Look at where this has gotten you."

I sigh before turning on my heels and waking out.

Who does Cole think he is? Some God? He is not innocent either. He knows about the bet so if he thinks Ariana is going to go running to him and Lili when she finds out, he's got another thing coming to him. She'll be mad at him like she is at me.

For fucks sake, who cares? All that matters is that I win.

I always win.


Two weeks later...


I haven't heard from her days. I have had to watch her avoid looking at me, avoid walking by me, avoid talking about me. Even at work she stays late so she doesn't have to leave with me.

I only know that because I move my car to make sure she gets to her own car safely.

I don't know what to feel. I feel guilty but I also don't feel anything at all. I don't know what I should be feeling.

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