Chapter One

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I've never flown in my life... ever. I always think of 'Final Destination' where the plane takes off and then literally explodes, killing all people on board. I've always been freaked about planes nonetheless, and I know that it's just a movie... so it couldn't be a reality, right?

When our CEO Derick Pierce first proposed to take a business trip, I instantly dreaded the thought. Not only did that mean I had to pack, which I lacked sufficient skill in, but we also had no say about going. Well... I could have politely declined, but that would have seemed like I wasn't up to my new position as Director of Human Resources. When I found out exactly where our business trip would be, I panicked even more. It wasn't a drive that could be scaled in four or five hours as I've previously done for business. Manhattan to The Bahamas wasn't very far, and it was only a couple hours of straight flying, but here's my problem: I have a phobia of airplanes.

This business trip would be three days in total. Before coming into my new position, I had only met Mr. Pierce a few times. Mostly notable at our annual charity balls, through some office walkthroughs as quality checks, and when I would shadow my previous boss in her stakeholder meetings. Mr. Pierce has charisma unlike any other- he's a very well-versed man of trade and skilled with making connections. I've been with the company for six years, and since his rise to CEO at 33 years old, he's taken over his father's business with impressive leadership, and aggressive deal-making. The numbers show just how effective his abilities of management are, and at his age, it's truly inspiring.

I rolled my suitcase and carry-on to the lobby of my apartment. Mr. Pierce was very nice to send one of his private cars to come and get me. I rolled my luggage out to the car, as the driver introduced himself to me, shaking my hand. I crawled into the back seat while he loaded my couple of bags. We pulled off and began our journey to the airport.

"Are you ready for your flight Ms. Brooks?" he asked, meeting my gaze in the rearview. "Yeah. I just hoped I brought everything I needed," I sighed. 

"I'm sure that you can buy something in the Bahamas if you have forgotten something. However, I don't find you the person to forget anything. I'm sure you are just fine."

I chuckled, agreeing with him. A few minutes later I decided to check in on my sister. She would be watching over my dog Piper. I knew she could take care of her, but I wanted to make sure everything was taken care of for the next few days.

A few rings later she answered, "Hey Ella, you should be on your way to the airport by now, right?" I looked at the car's GPS and saw 15 minutes remaining.

"Yeah, traffic isn't bad right now. I'm just making sure everything is set. You have the list I emailed you?" I asked.

Emilia chuckled, "Yeah, I do. You really didn't need to write this up for me, I see how you take care of Piper every day. Are you ready for your flight?"

Chills went up my arms at the reminder of flying again. "I'm currently on my way there. I took Piper outside before I left so she should be fine for you when you get home. I can't believe I'm going to be flying..."

"Well, Ms. Worker Bee, if you hadn't climbed the corporate ladder as expertly as you did, you'd still be in your small cubicle minding your business. Now you've got your own office with nice furnishings, and with nice furnishings come more responsibilities. Enjoy the nice warm weather. It's freezing here!"

I countered her. "I enjoy my new position and office, but I didn't know it required flying with the CEO for a business trip. It's not like I could have turned this opportunity down. How terrible would that have looked?"

"Oh, if only I could fly to a luxurious island with my hot CEO. No wonder you don't have a damn boyfriend, you're too devoted to that job of yours."

I internally rolled my eyes at my little sister's comment. "My job is what makes me happy. We're not going to have this discussion right now. Just please take care of Piper."

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