He runs his fingers over the counter, softly. He examines everything. From the couch, to the curtains, to the lamp, and then the floor. Finally, he looks out the window. It's huge with a view over most of the city. All the intricate buildings going up and down, The shine or glare in some windows, and the sky above with fluffy white clouds, and a sharp blue color in the air. The sky also seemed to have a line of dark blue towards the buildings, fading into a number of blues. Almost like a painting.

"If I had a view like this," he shakes his head. "I would use it to imagine myself flying over the city... and I'd build people a house to have a view like this, too. Just so they could feel like that too, and experience it." He says this thought out loud and it makes my heart fill with joy. Instead of saying something like, I would think I ruled the world, he said he would feel like he was flying. Flying! He wants to help people too, and he's so innocent, that it just makes you happy. It makes you wish everyone would act like this. Like there wasn't money involved with anything, just the way something made you feel and the natural beauty within it. There was just something in the way he thinks, that makes me happy.

I walk towards him and peek out the window too. "You know, some people have their heads in the clouds. But I think it's much better to think up there." I say. He looks at me and I wink. A smile appears on his face. I'm beginning to think that this guy is never angry. He just has so much hope, it's inspiring. "Caleb?"


"I think everyone should be as hopeful and optimistic as you are." He lets the words sink in. I'm not sure if he's getting choked up, but he quietly responds,

"Thank you. You know what?"

I grin. "What?"

"I think so too." He whispers. No matter how sparky White this apartment was, I thought the thing that was most special in this room, was Caleb.

"S-so... we should get going." I point toward the door.

His head drops back and he groaned. "I wanted to fly, Julia!"

"Awe, the bird can come back!" I start to pull him to the door, and he dramatically stretches his hand to the floor-to-ceiling window.

Finally he gives up and starts rambling on to me. He's also using his hands a lot. "It's not like I want to be a bird, because they can get annoying. It's that I want to be a person that can fly!" I open my mouth but he keeps going, cutting me off. "Not just a person with wings, oh no. A person that can actually fly on its own!" He opens his hands as if to say, ta da.

"That's impossible."

"Only if you believe it is! Get it- it's from Alice In Wonderland." He was trying to get me to understand.

"Right." I say. I make sure to answer him with sarcasm, so he thinks I don't get it. It's fun to see him squirm.

"Ugh! Come on! No, it probably wouldn't be possible, but what if you could? Like, like Superman!" He's practically jumping now.

"Okay, then can I be Supergirl?" I ask with a grin.

In a "duh" voice he says back, "of course!"

"Alright," I pull his arm as we walk across the street. "I gotta try on some wedding dresses!" Even though I'm still a bit mad at Steven, he's my fiancé. And plus, I get to finally try on a wedding dress today! Hopefully I won't go out with the whole store. I simply adore weddings. It's the most important day of your life, when you promise someone you'll always be there for them and love them no matter what. It's a day filled with love. Not just the venue or fancy dresses that make you fall in love with the idea, but the love you want to share with someone forever. It's probably the happiest you will ever be in your life.

When we arrive at Kleinfeld's, Caleb just stares around at everything with wide eyes. Meanwhile, I'm coming unglued! There are dresses of all sorts, sparkly belts, fancy consultants running around, lines and lines of shoes, brides on pedestals, family sitting on the couch, clean cut furniture, bouquets, mannequins, and stunning tiaras!!! The list goes on and on! Once some nice lady checks us in, we are seated at a little gray loveseat in the corner of the room. Caleb makes himself comfortable, which is very like him.

I lightly slap his shoulder. "Caleb!" I hiss. "Sit up straight, don't you see what your in the middle of?!"

"Uh, yeah. I'm in the middle of a fabulous bridal store, and I'm gonna see my best friend try on a gazillion dresses!!" He exclaims.

I smile.

"And you know what?" He whispers.

"What?" I whisper back.

He leans in closer to me. "She's gonna look amazing in everything she tries on."

I'm fighting the deep blush back, and I playfully push him over, giggling.

Suddenly we are interrupted. "Hi, welcome to Kleinfeld's!" A lady says to us. She is holding a clipboard with a pen, and is wearing a gray pencil skirt with a pink blouse. She's an older lady, and seems to really care about fashion. Good, because I do too!


"Tell me about yourself!"

"Uh, well this is my best friend, Caleb. He's great and the only one who could come today. He's an author." I add the last part about him being an author with a little excitement in my voice. Authors are very good people to know, in my opinion.

She reaches out and shakes his hand. "Nice to meet you, handsome fella." He gives her a grin back with a nod. "Now, tell me about what you are looking for."

"Uh..." I try to think of something, but nothing comes to mind. I've been so busy I forgot I had to be dressed at my own wedding! Luckily, Caleb helps out.

"Please have her try on any and every dress in the store! Anything will look gorgeous on her, it's just a matter of finding the perfect one." I blush again and the women looks somewhat impressed.

"If I didn't know any better, I'd think you were the fiancé!" She laughs as Caleb's face drops. He turns white and I turn into a tomato. That's how red I am now. No one says anything. "Okay, well why don't we get you into some dresses!"

To be continued on the wedding dresses and appointment!!


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