Chapter 18-You Can't Always Pretend

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Why in the world was that name so,so familiar?Obviosuly because they've met,but the feeling of being so close to remembering yet failing frustrated Valerie the most.

She hit the table hard,and pushed the chair far from the desk.She was short-tempered,always were,but being who she is,the young female was able to cover it up pretty well.Though,sometimes it was just obvious,painfuly so

"Ugh!"Peligrosso groaned once more as her head fell on her hands.It was too much,overwhelming almost.She couldn't think anything but the name,no face,no memory,just a name

Maybe she should try to rest,get her mind off it.She couldn't though,she tried.It was pointless,even when she did forget it for abour 10 minutes maximum,the name popped up again.

Loki sounds a name from far away,like Thor.Maybe they were friends?Siblings?

Overwhelmed,the brunette groaned again,and lifted her head from her hands.This was heading towards the absolute nothing.Trying to get some sleep was also pointless,for she couldn't find herself being asleep.Ever.That one time she did sleep,nightmares-or most likely painful and unwanted memories made their comeback.Valerie couldn't and wouldn't have that

The girl simply couldn't accept this!They controled her,manipulated her when she was there,their little toy.She wasn't going to let them do it again,and again,and again.She wasn't going to let those controlling freaks run on the loose.Little did she know,that way,she was letting them win.


Tony Stark played with the small device in his hands,uncertain of his next move.

Should he call?Or,maybe,it was pointless.Pepper wouldn't want to hear from him,after all the things she has been through for him,the pain,the sorrow.She was worth it,she deserved more.

Out of his trance,snapped him,none other,than Valerie herself

"Hey"She greeted with a soft,quiet voice

"Hi"Greeted Tony back

"Wanna go hang out outside?"

Tony nodded with a sigh

"I will be out in a second"He wanted to be alone,to think.Tony,though,knew what she meant.And that is why he loved her so much.For them to be together,they didn't have to communicate with words,they would just sit in silence,each one of them lost deep in thought.Maybe it was strange,but after that,they felt more bonded than ever.

They knew that no matter what,they would and could never offend each other.Even with slight or extreme teasing or even arguing,fighting.They respected eachother deeply,and therefore they wouldn't do anything to hurt one another.Ever.


Valerie sat on the floor on top of the tower.
She sighed and smirked as she felt the air lift her hair,Valerie took a deep breath and closed her eyes for a while.

The fact that she could hear much more than the human ear could,was never relaxing.She found a way to manage though.The young woman heard Tony's steps,the only sound she payed attention too.

He's coming

The female thought and in a few minutes,Tony Stark sat next to her quietly.

Each of them were lost in their own thoughts,Valerie tried to make a plan to enter HYDRA's head quarters.
Natalia had gone out with Peter,to the movies.

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