Chapter 11-The letter

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Listen to the song if you'd like,it fits perfectly...



  What about us?
What about all the times you said you had the answers?
What about us?
What about all the broken happy ever afters?
What about us?
What about all the plans that ended in disaster?
What about love? What about trust?
What about us?  

You promised

Dear Howard,

If you're reading this,probably and sadly,I'm not with you.
I know I made a promise,and I'm deeply sorry I couldn't keep it.
I have to say a few things now.
Thank you for everything.
For 8 wonderful years of marriage and 10 years of a wonderful friendship.
For standing besides me,in any cost.
For being there for me,my family and our daughter.
For protecting us in all costs
Take care of our little princess,tell her about the war when she grows up.
Please,tell her I love her,and so to my family.
I'm sorry I left you,I'm the worse wife and mother a husband and a child could ask for.
Tell her I'm sorry I couldn't give her the mother she deserves,tell her I'm sorry I can't give her the life she deserves and I'm sorry I can't give you everything you want.
I understand this is hard for you,I know,love.
But please,don't be sad.
Promise me you'll continue your life.
Get married again,maybe have kids!
I'm with you all the way,since I can't give you everything you wanted.
Maybe even forget me,if that helps
I hope I made a good wife,mother and friend to you and our family.
A good daughter for my parents and a good sister for my siblings.
Please don't cry,love.
I'm here,with you.
I will always be with you,like I always had
Through thick and thin,right?
Keep working on yours and ours projects,make them come true.
Complete your dreams and keep being that awesome father,human and husband you are.
Marry again,please.
I know it's hard for you,but it is for me too.
Imagining you married with another woman is annoying.
But what has to be done,has to be done.
This is the last time we talk,I'm sorry I didn't make any more letters.
I have a diary if you'd like to read it....
You probably won't ...
Anyways,promise me all of the above,honey.
You MUST keep your promise,not how I didn't.
Also,finish this war.
I beg you to do all of the above.
For me,you,our family.
And in general,the world.

I love you and always will with love,
Amanda Stark

She also had singhed the letter.
Howard,was in tears,sobbing.
He actually was since line 3 of the letter.
He promised to himself to obey her,but never forget her as she requested Steve to tell him,wich he did.
Steve was long gone now.
He fell onto the ice,he lost them all
"Why?!Why all of you leave me?!Am I so hard to take care of?!"
He practicaly yelled.
He felt,like he could feel their present in the room.Like they were looking at him,disaprovingly.
What if they  try to get Steve off the ice?!
He shook his head
"Daddy,where's mum?"Little Jessica came in the room,rubbing her eyes
Behind her,Amanda's mother and father were holding her soulders.
Both looking at Howard disaprovingly but at the same time hurt
"Mum is on a trip honey."
"For the war?"
Howard nodded trying not to cry again
"Yes,for the war " He said with a small smile.
The little girl run into his hug
"Daddy,why were you crying?"
"Nothing to worry about dear one.
Just remember,that mummy loves you very very very much"
The male said hugging his little girl "I  know,I love her too!"

Behind Jessica,Amanda's parents showed him some white papers too...
She had written a letter for them too.
All of them teared up and nodded with a bitter smile.
She always used humor.
Ha,she even used humor in the letters
She wrote one for Jessica too.

Her parents found it while doing chores.

'You were everything I could ask for.
I promise,darling.
Sweetheart,I'll read your diary.
I love you more than you'll ever know
No matter what,I'll NEVER forget you'

He left her,not she him

He thought

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