Chapter 5-Mission:CLASSIFIED

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Natalia looked at the girl startled and backed down,raising her hands and walking away calmly

"Hey,I don't mean any harm.
I want to help you"

She said softly.

The girl seemed hesitant

"I am here to help
If you let me."

The young female sat down cautiously eyeing the blue eyed female.

She approached,her hands still raised.

"What's your name?"
She asked softly,sitting across her on the floor.

"Subject 213." she replied,her voice raspy.

Natalia's expression soften with awareness...

She was the victim not the bad guy.

"No,I mean your real name."She tried once more

"My... I told you subject 213"
She seemed angry,upset and even confused. 

Her fists clenched.She look almost scared to realise.Realise who she is.

Natalia shook her head

"Very well then.I'm Natalia-you already knew that of course.

Tell me subject 213..."

She hated to call the brunette like that.

She didn't want her to be just a number,not acknowledged.

She wasn't yet very sure as to what excatly,but she was sure she was going to find out.

Even her,even Natalia was called by her name in the red room.

Her teacher always told her that she'd be one of the best assassins this world would ever see.

But Natalia didn't want to be an assassin.But,who cared about it anyway?

"What do you do when you're not here,with me?"She started to caress her knees in soothing motions to not anger her.It probably was a touchy subject

The girl,nonetheless,shot up,fury clear in her eyes.

"It's none of your bussiness!"She said through clenched teeth

If you noticed,her eyes were on the verge of tears.

Natalia backed away slowly.She was not scared of her.Not now,at least.

To be honest,subject 213 looked scared of itself

"Hey,hey,calm down now..."She made a motion to take her hand but the other female grabbed her wrist

"Don't you dare"She said threatently

Fear was obvious in Ntalia's eyes,not because of her grabbing her wrist

But because of her eyes,they were snowy,as if made of glass

Natalia drew her hand out her grip quickly

The other girl looked at her for mere seconds before walking in front of her,her eyes behind her back.

'She seems to be very negative about physical contact

That means she's been hurt and caused pain-at least physicaly'

Natalia observed and got up

She noticed the other girl's hair were the same colour as her eyes,as well and flinched

She approached her,and noticed a small scar on her back.

It looked deep,painful

They torture her! A whole lot

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