Chapter 1-Spider-boy

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Hey guys! How are you?I am well.

This book is currently under a LOT of editing so,please,bear with me?

Have fun!
Love ya!

"The world owes to the Avengers an unfortable depth.You've fought for us,you protected us,you risked your lives for us.But while a large amount of people,concider you as heroes,there are some who consider you "unsolicited patrons" (Sorry if it's wrong I used google translate for that...Hehehehe)"

"And how would you call us sir?"Natasha asked him,he looked at her and replyed with this:"How about 'dangerous'?"

He paused,took a deep breath and continued

"How would you call an advanced group of people,whoses base is in USA,who repeteadly ignore the boundaries of sovereign states and impose their will whenever they wish,those who seem to don't care about what they leave behind?"

I frowned

Nobody said that we don't care about what we leave behind,but whan can we do then?We try,we try hard.

In the black screen now,you could see a map.

"New York"He said and in the screen displayed a security camera futage,I suppose

I mean,we won the fight,yes

Earth was safe and sound,but the damages were many



I sighed and looked up

And,now,I'm done.

I tensed up in my chair

Steve looked at Wanda and then at me.

Sokovia,then it was that the worst event

I sighed silently at myself.


"That's enough."Steve said looking at Wanda who -obviously-felt very guildy-even though she tried to help

She did her best

The minister stopped and then talked again.

"The past four years,you acted with unlimited power and no supervision

That's an arrangment that the goverments of the world do not accept anymore"

He paused and after some moments he continued his speech

"But I think we have a solution"

His guard handed him a big book and he handed it to Wanda.

"The Sokovia Accord"

"Approved by 117 countries and states that the Avengers shall not longer be a private organisation."

The book passed hand-by-hand,and then it came my turn.

I took a small look at it and then passed it to Steve who was sitting accross me.

He nodded and saddly smiled,wich I also did.

"Instead they'll act under the supervision of

U.N.P(United Nations Panel)

only when and if that pannel thinks it's necessery."

"The Avengers were formed to make the world a better place"

Steve states,"I believe we've done that"

He said and I slightly smiled.

"Tell me Captain,do you know when Thor and Banner are?"

I quetly sighed to myself.

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