Chapter 4-Status:Missing

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Tony sat on the kitchen room,a bottle of whiskey accompanied by a glass with ice on the table.

He sighed as he poured some more inside,and gulped it down

Rodey couldn't help to see him like that.He decided to step in,knock some sense to him.

He gently approached him,but seeing him pouring another glass,he lost his mind

"What are you doing?!"

He grabbed the glass,but that didn't stop the billionaire.Instead,he drunk a rather big gulp from the bottle.

The bottle,wich Rodey grabbed causing some of the liquid to run down Tony's neck

"What does it look like?!Give that back!"Snapped Tony angrily,trying to regain the bottle.

"To me,it looks like your giving up!She needs you Tony.More than ever!And you do what?You sit here getting drunk!"

"You know pretty damn well that's not it!I've done everything in my power to find her Rhodes!I...I... I think she just doesn't want to be found."

He couldn't believe it! How could Tony-Tony of all people,suspect something like that

"Do you even listen to yourself at all?! What are you implying? That she run away?"

"Maybe!You know what? Maybe she did!Maybe she got sick of me!Maybe--" He was standing up  and yelling by now

"Tony,for God's sake,she would never do that"

Tony sat down again,lost in thought.

He certainly hoped so.

"Two years Rhodey. Two whole years."
He knew she wouldn't run away,not from him anyways.
But he wanted to,he was desperate to know she was safe,even if that meant she despised him.

It then hit him,he cared about her.
But again,how could he not?
The moment he layed eyes on her,he knew the girl had been through a lot.

"She's somewhere out there. I know it"

Tony chuckled bitterly.

The sheild he always showed,it was starting to fall apart.

Once,he felt as if she was the only one who understood Tony Stark had a heart.

A real one,not an iron one.

She was always there for him,she supported him.

She cared for him.

And for a while there,he had forgotten how to care about himself.

He got up,a decisive look on his face

"Wherever you are,I will find you"

Rhodey smiled proudly at him.

"that's my boy"

Meanwhile in HYDRA,a woman,not older than the age of 35,took notes as she watched another,younger female fight with a girl from the red room.


The girl from the red room was easily defeated by the older girl.

She let her down,her expression showed no emotion,though the other girl was horrified.

"Stephanie,what was that?" said a blonde woman

"I'm sorry ma'am. I will do better next time,I promise!"

The blonde female shook her head dismissively

The girl named Stephanie left the room with hurried steps,an expression of horror covering her features.

"I think she needs to start training with Natalia.Its time" Her Russian accent thic.

The brunette nodded smiling wickedly

"She's improving" Added the Russian,causing the the brunette to nod

"I'm proud.For the first time in my life,I'm proud of her."

The other female nods,as the girl replacing Stephanie got in.

"Natalia,meet subject 213.You will train with each other and that way,you will both practise"

"Subject 213,meet Natalia. You will train with her"

The expression of the young girls face didn't change.


The girl with the dark brown hair nodded,a stony expression covering her face,but not even as close as the other girl's.


The 35 year old woman said strictly,and the girls began a rough fight.

Six more months passed and there were still no sign of Valerie.
The only clues were her smashed cellphone in a alley.

The man that most likely kidnapped her must've been physically much more stronger than her or he knocked her out cold.

Tony was well aware that the female could protect herself more than well.
She was not an Avenger for nothing.

That was what worried him.Why give in so easily,there were no sings of a battle or any sort of conflict at all.

So she must have gone there alone,on her own,and the person that kidnapped her looked innocent enough for her to fall for some sort of scheme.

Tony would find her.And they would live happy together again.

Rhodey insisted on him calling Steve,but the brunet didn't want to.

He couldn't see how Steve could help.

He grew up with a father that constantly compared him to the blond man.

He had enough of it already.

And he knew,that deep inside him,he was the only one that could help her.

The blonde woman left the room followed by the brunette

And then,Natalia found the chance to talk to subject 213.

They both sat down,one across the other,as subject 213 rubbed her,soon to be,purple jaw

She looked as if she obeyed every order without never even thinking doing otherwise.

She wondered,what was with that red star? What was it done with?

She decided to approach the girl

Slow and steady


She said gently,softly

The girl looked at her,but said nothing.

Her look showed irritation,annoyance.

"I'm sorry for that hit"

She tried again,but the girl didn't seem to budge

"How are you?"

The girl glared at her and looked at her hands,her head down.

Natalia sighed and fell on her knees in front of her.

She placed her hands on the females knees,and just then the girl pulled back,ready to fight

'What have they done to you?"

She thought startled.

Little did she know,that the infamous Tony Stark himself asked the same thing.

Little did he know.

Little did she know.

Little did they know.

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