Chapter 7 - Night time thoughts

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Sleep couldn't take Tony,how could he sleep after that?

He remembered her eyes,recognising him and then seeing him as just another target,just another threat

He didn't want that.

He poured some whiskey on a glass with ice

After a bit,he gulped a big gulp from the bottle not minding the presence of the glass anymore

He went back to the day he met the girl

It was a hot day,and New York was more crowded than he had ever seen it.

Tony decided to walk towards the tower from an ally,for the first time in his life

As we carelessly walked,he noticed a small figure

He approached quietly,as he took of his sunglasses

There,stood a -approximetally- 10 year old little girl

She was short,her hair seemed to be carefuly braided but her brown dress was dirty and slightly ripped

"Hey,kiddo,where are your parents?"Asked the billioaire kneeling in front of the girl

"Home"She replied stuttering

"Why are you here then?"the man questioned perplexed

"Because mother and father are cruel.It's like they don't care about me"She replied,scared of his reaction

He was surprised to see a 10 year old girl dressed in a girl and calling her parents mother and father

"All right"He said with a nod

"Please don't take me back home."She pleaded and Stark nodded

He smiled at the memory

Yes,he remembered it as if it was yesterday

He drunk another big gulp

The clock read 1:45

What am I doing?I have to sort this out

But how?I have no clues,no nothing

At  least she's alive

The girl punched the sack hard,again and again

She couldn't sleep,and training seemed the right thing to do.

She released some breaths as she kept going

She remembered that man's-Tony Stark's look

He looked certain that she was Valerie.

Maybe she was

"what are you doing up this late?"Asked the brown haired male

"I couldn't sleep"Replied the girl with a small smile


"I just finished from the lab"

"Tony it's four in the morning!"Exclaimed the girl,and the male just shrugged

"Why can't you sleep?"

He sat besides her on the couch

"I just couldn't"Valerie smiled

"All right"He said and patted her soulder

"Just lay down in bed and get some rest"

"You too"She said before the man exited the room

"Will do wolfie"

By now,she had stopped punching the sack

"Tony..."She muttered




How are you?I'm good...

Long time no see,huh?

I'm hoping I'll finish the other chapter soon,so I can upload it today!

I kniw it's small,but isn't it juicy?


Anyways,did you like it?I hope you did!


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