Choosing your aesthetic

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First of all I'd like to address that it's never easy to like just one aesthetic and a lot of people tell us that we're just posers or just try hards but I'm here to tell you that we're all allowed to like whatever aesthetics and they can be complete opposites too 🙃.

Anyway now I'm going to list a few that I can think of because there are TONS of new aesthetics now with the influence of TikTok and fast fashion, but please tell me below if I've forgotten some in the comments and I'll try to add them on.

Hip/boho aesthetic

This is a pretty aesthetic in my opinion, they tend to keep things natural they are very down to earth or are willing to become down to earth they like simple things and they aren't really into fast fashion. (This doesn't mean every person that follows this aesthetic is)

 (This doesn't mean every person that follows this aesthetic is)

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Indie aesthetic ✨

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Indie aesthetic

I'd say that this aesthetic is quite similar to the previous one I've shown you, they have quite a lot in common in the way that they're quite natural and simple however they remind me of the 90s teenager . They're quite quirky (however that word has now been taken out of context by many people who make fun of people that try to be different and not like other girls lol) they also stay away from fast fashion however a lot of their fashion pieces are being incorporated into other aesthetics

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