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warning: jyp gets some

warning: jyp is married

warning: idk if im allowed to write this

warning; yg gets jealous

"jUkGETta!" J.Y Park has finally opened his night club for the day. There seems to be a line of 4 or 5 champagne bottles on the back counter. One read, "Calamari Sea Arrow, Finest Selection of the Inkiest Champagne". Jinyoung had never seen that one before, but he was gonna try it tonight.

"Hey Yugyeom," The bartender looked up with innocent eyes, but upon seeing JYP's wrinkles his smile faded. "Hello Mr. Park. What can I get for you?" The boy, supposedly Yugyeom forced a smile. "Calamari Sea Arrow. Get me the largest wine glass you have." He smiled, accentuating his wrinkles that ran across his sagging face.

Yugyeom grabbed a rugged bowl and poured the dark liquid inside. "Mr. Park, you haven't drank anything yet, right?"

"I drank a few bottles at work," He paused and chuckled, "the soju was stale and crunchy."

Yeah, he definitely drank some.

"Here, it's the finest selection. We're trying it out, and if we get more than 1 vote, we're keeping it." He handed the bowl to Jinyoung. "Ah, I never knew you had this type of glass," Yugyeom laughed. "It's the biggest, though it's not a glass."

"Did you just lie to me? You're singing 800 seconds in my next album." Yugyeom feared the worst, "No! Jackson took a shit in this bar, you should have him sing-"

"He's singing 900." J.Y Park took a sip of his 'wine'. "Hey, is this Jackson's shit or something?"

"No, why sir?"

"It's very briny and earthy." He licked his lips. "Mm."

"It's actually the finest squid ink we could find, it's the same type they use to write letters in the olden days."

"I'll have a refill in about 10 minutes. This shit is good." Mr. Park pushed back his stair and stood up. "Keep this intact for me, would ya?" He handed his bowl to Yugyeom.


"So, are you single?" The woman traced his chest with her crusty fingers. "Yeah, what about you?"

"Ah, single as a shingle. Anyways, you smell like Jackson. Are you perhaps," she paused, "Gay?"

"I'm bisexual, I've never done Jackson, but I've done his shit." She laughed. "He's a gay kind of guy. He doesn't tend to do his wor-"

"Nah fam, I've eaten i-"

"Okay! Anyways, he's my boyfriend," she smirked. "And you smell just like him."

"But you just said that you're single."

"Who cares? He doesn't need to know-"

"AW SHIT!" JYP's hands flew to his ass. "SHITE"

The mistress seemed in distress. "What? What? Are you okay?!"

"IT"S MY DIARRHEA! IM FORTY SIX!" The mistress fled the scene then and there.

Lawsuit | JYP CEO X YG CEO / CEO! AUМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя