Chapter Two

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Tequila's Pov

"Tequila Amelia Harlem get the fuck out here and talk to me like a woman!" Gemma yelled as she stormed into the diner.

I sighed hoping Abel would get here fast before my boss fired me. He said the last time that if it happened again he would fire me. Here's a little back story on my relationship with Gemma Teller. She was the grandmother of my boyfriend Abel Teller. Abel and I had been dating since highschool. Gemma never had a problem with me. And I mean never! But five years ago I got pregnant. Everything was fine until a month before I was due. I had been driving back from Stockton after visiting my mom when I was ran off the road. I ended up crashing into a tree in the ditch. I lost the baby and ever since then Gemma blamed me. Said I didn't want the club life so I tried to off myself and the baby. Which is not and never will be the case. I love Abel and I love the club. They are his family! His family has been nothing but kind and generous to me the entire time I've known Abel.

"Really Abel? She calls you and you come running!" Gemma scuffed at her grandson as he walked into the diner trying to get her to leave.

"Enough Gemma! You are not my mother! Mind your own damn business! Grow the hell up for God sakes! Leave her alone alright!" He yelled.

I stepped out next to my boss who sent me a look. He had a look of sympathy but it was clouded by his look that said pack your shit and get out of my restraint.
I sighed.

"There she is, I just wanted to tell you that bad shit happens to greedy whores!" She yelled and stormed out.

"Jerry I'm so sorry for all the trouble my grandmother has caused." Abel said hoping to help me keep my job.

"I know you both are Abel, but it still doesn't change the fact I made a deal with Tequila that she could work here as long as this shit didn't happen. I wish you both the best of luck. " My boss Jerry said walking away.

Abel wrapped his arm around my shoulder. He kissed the top of my head. "It'll be okay babe." He said giving me a kiss. I smiled and we headed out to his bike.


Sawyer 's Pov

"Sj just go fucking talk to your dad and see what he has to say?" Tig said giving me a hug.

"Fine." I said walking back into the chapel. I honestly don't think my dad ever leaves that chair.

"Sit down." He said with narrow eyes.

I of course did as I was asked.

"I talked to Abel, you can prospect for the club. But he's your sponsor. If you fuck this up you're out! Alright?" He said and a smile creeped onto his face.

" Oh daddy thank you! " I said wrapping my arms around his neck in a tight hug.

"Alright your mother wants you home to help her with Tommy." He said with a chuckle .

I scrambled out of the room after gladly taking the prospect patch from his hand. He followed out to the main room of the club house and it erupted with cheers.

"Aye congratulations lass." Chibs said giving me a hug. He was like a second father to me.

" I told you doll face. Congrats! " I heard Tig say.

 Sawyer excitedly rode straight  home. She couldn't wait to tell her mom she was prospecting. She didn't like that she was under Abel's thumb but she also knew it was her only way in.   She had one dream and that was being her brothers VP when their dad passed down the mantle to Abel.

Sawyer's Pov

I pulled in the drive, getting off my bike. I made my way inside and walked around to find mom. "Mom! I'm home, where are you?" I yelled walking around.  "In here, be quiet Tommy is sleeping." She said. She was in her office writing music, Thomas asleep on her lap.  I walked in and sat down. "What's up love?" She asked. "Dad's finally letting me prospect! As long as Abel watches over me." I said with a huge smile. "That's wonderful SJ, I'm so proud of you." She said pulling me into a hug.   I grinned telling her I was headed to see Lincoln.

Sara's pov

 I never would've thought that there would be a day were my daughter was actually allowed to prospect for the Sons. I always knew she'd want to but I didn't believe Jax would ever let her prospect. My husband and I are gonna have a serious discussion about this.

Flashback 2007

"I don't like knowing that my kids want to be in danger just to follow your footsteps Jax. I get it with Abel, and Lucah. They're your sons. Being a Son is their birth right."  I said as I placed Tommy in his crib, thankful that Gemma had Abel, Lucah, and Sawyer for the night. He pulled me towards him in for a kiss. "I know babe, I get it I do. You are right, with Abel its his birth right to be the next presidentBut with Sawyer..." He said looking at me with sad eyes.
"She's a girl, club is named 'Sons Of Anarchy'. She can't be a member,because of a sexist rule made by the first nine that you refuse to break. Unfortunately I don't want you to break it.. I said. " Babe.." He began.  "Jax promise me you won't let her join the club, she's our baby girl... I said tear running down n my face.
" I promise." He said.
End Of Flashback

Sawyer left for her visit with Lincoln.

Hope you all enjoyed. Lots of love.  I'm moving so this will be the last chapter for a bit. xoxo  All the love- Ash.

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