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Set ten years after the last chapter Love And War excluding the epilogue

Kai's Pov

"Sawyer James Teller! Get your ass out of bed! You are going to miss orientation!" I yelled up the stairs at my eighteen-year-old daughter, Sawyer.

"I'm up ma! I just can't find Uncle Opie's old beanie! I'm not leaving without it on my head!" She yelled back.

I walked up the stairs to her room and helped her find it. There it laid under her bookbag.

"Come here, baby," I said holding it. She walked over with tears threatening to spill from her eyes and I pulled her into a hug.

"You are going to do so many incredible things, my love. Uncle Opie is so proud of you!" I said placing the beanie gently in the right place and a kiss on her forehead.

"I love you, mom." She said as she walked out her bedroom slinging her book bag on her shoulder.

"Thomas, are you ready for the day baby?" peeking peaking my head into his room.

"Mommy I need help!" Said the small five-year-old pouting on his bed with his pants half pulled up.

I giggled and helped him. He was such a cutie.

Jax and I have done a lot of things in the past ten years. We raised four beautiful children and taught them all the right lessons we never knew. We have Lucah Elias Dawson-Teller who is now 23, Abel John Teller who is also 23. Sawyer James Teller who is 18, and five years ago we had a baby boy. Thomas Opie Teller. I recorded and toured for two albums. Jax got the club out of guns and drugs. They were a one hundred percent legal MC that owned part of a porn business, Red Woody Original. TM was made into TW Teller Winston. Jax didn't want Clay's name on anything.

Today was Sawyer's first day of college in Stockton. So today Thomas and I are heading over to TW and the clubhouse. He jumped on my back and I gave him piggyback to the door. He smiled at me and put his shoes on. We hopped in the car and began our journey to TW.

"Mommy?" He asked.

"Yes, baby?" I replied.

"Music!" he said giggling.

I turned up the rock station and listened to my youngest son giggle and sing along to the rock music.

We pulled into TW and parked like normal.

"How, are you today baby?" I heard Gemma's voice as I got Thomas from the car.

"I'm good, I was a little nervous sending her off this morning," I said as Thomas and I gave her a hug.

"That's to be expected. You just sent your little girl into the world." She said kissing my forehead. I huffed with anxiety.

She walked off into her office and I walked into the clubhouse with Thomas. We sat at the bar until the guys came out of church.

"Hey, Ma, what's up?" Abel asked walking out of church and over to us.

"Not much, Just thought Tommy and I would come to say Hi. Maybe steal you, your brother, and your dad for lunch." I said passing the giggling boy over to his older brother.

"Oh, um sure dad's taking care of a problem for Travis but he should be back in a few. I have no idea where Lucah is." He said tickling Tommy.

"Good good... How's it being the new VP?" I asked. He earned the VP spot so Chibs gladly gave it up so he could run the club with his dad. Lucah on the other hand wasn't as invested and spent his time running around town with different girls.

"It's going well. Really good." He said scratching the back of his neck.

"Okay spill, what's going on? Is it Tequ? Or is it your brother?" I asked. I was officially concerned.

"Ma, Tequila, she's pregnant. I don't know what the hell to do and I don't think she does either. She's barely just twenty-one! I'm twenty-three!" He said clearly upset.

"Oh baby, Its gonna be alright. If there's any couple your age that can do this it's you guys! You and Lucah helped me and your father raise Sawyer and Thomas. You are an incredible young man and you are going to be a great father." I said kissing his forehead and he chuckled.

Soon after Jax arrived and the four of us headed for lunch. The lunch didn't feel right without Sawyer but we understood her love and need to go to college. She wanted to become a writer. I've become extremely disappointed and worried about Lucah. He continues to miss his shifts at the garage. We ate lunch and said our goodbyes till tonight. Tonight was our family dinner with the whole club. Since Jax has been Club President I took over all of Gemma's dinners and fundraisers. Let's just say you all thought they were scared to miss anything or be late when Gemma ran things but now I was the one they were twice as scared of. If all my children showed up the dinner will be perfect. But what can you wish for?

Thomas and I made a bunch of desserts and different dishes. I smiled as people started pouring in. I spotted Jax and Abel and grinned. Finally, Sawyer came shortly after. I waited for Lucah but he never showed. The dinner went on but it was in the back of my mind. Full of worry. We smiled and talked for a while as we all ate.

I nodded at Abel as he and his lovely girlfriend Tequila stood up. (Don't judge her name its unique.)

"Hey everyone can I have your attention?" He asked. Everyone silenced and looked at him and Tequila.

"Tequila and I are expecting our first child." He said nervously gripping her hand.

Everyone was so happy and continued on with the party. It was the perfect event. Well besides Lucah being MIA and not bothering to make an appearance. I hadn't seen him for almost a week and a half. I was starting to think it was me he was avoiding. I think I'm going to confront him. I clearly had taken my anger out on some of the house renovations we were doing over the past week. Jax and I spur the moment decided to take out one of the walls splitting up the kitchen and the living room.

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