Save Her and Meet Them

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Ravens POV

After we all reunited with Clarke we immediately started to make a plan. We didn't even get to know anything about our niece except that she and Madi (who we quickly learned the basics about) where kidnapped by these people. We where given jobs to do by Clarke so her, Emori,Harper,and Monty stayed with her to guard the area and Monty stayed so he could try and hack into their systems, (which I would have been better at but I wanted to do something productive to find my niece and I had to work my leg) me,Murphy,Echo,and Bellamy are in rover, in the forest, I'm driving and everyone else is in the back with some sort of weapon, we're searching for clues, one of their people, our niece and Madi something to help us get them back.

"What are we looking for exactly?" Murphy asks. "Anything,anything that will give us a hint where exactly they are." Bellamy reply's dryly. "We deserve to make it up to her that we left her." Echo says a few minutes after Bellamy says that. It's not like we all haven't felt bad about leaving her and not just she was a innocent child but also because she is family. We left family and didn't even notice. "We need to save her,figure out what the hell her name is, show her how to socialize with people other than this Madi and Clarke, we need to teach her things, and most of all we need to love her"echo continues there's a pain in her voice we all have when talking about her. This may surprise you but out of all of us that regret leaving our niece down on earth echo did the most she was suppose to protect her and she forgot about her and she hates herself for it. "We owe her our lives for what we did with her"Bellamy says. "Ya bet she was bored to insanity living with no one except someone as boring as Clarke and someone who is in devotion to Clarke" Murphy jokes (we all know Murphy isn't the greatest at serious conversations) it pulls a sad laugh from all of us but there's still sadness. Then all the sudden we hit something.

Madi's POV

I've got to get to Clarke. We need to save Tavia. Before it's to late.

I'm running that's all I can really comprehend. I don't know my surroundings. Clarke always taught us to always know where we were, but I need to be as far away from that place as possible right now and find Clarke. It's getting harder and harder to run I'm losing to much blood. I'm out of breath, I'm dizzy, I feel like I could throw up and pass out at the same time. But no I have to help Tavia. The wolves have already passed me after we got out of there I ordered them to get to Clarke knowing they would get there before I would.

I start to hear the roar of what sounds like the rover. But that can't be right Clarke wouldn't drive throw these woods with a threat running around its to open. I start slowing down till I've stopped I'm so dizzy, I'm starting to see black spots, everything's spinning then all the sudden there's a huge impact on my stomach and side and for the second time this week everything goes black.

(Putting a note in here the where kidnapped a week ago and it took them this long to wake up its also night time don't know if I implied that , alright enjoy .

Echos POV

There's just quite, were all in shock until Bellamy yells, "What the hell was that?". We all pile out pf the rover with weapons ready. When we get to the front of the rover we don't see her immediately. It's not until we look down we notice her. She's small, paleish tan, brunette, built with small muscles, but the thing we immediately see is she's covered in blood,bruises,scars,burns,and bullet holes. "Is that... raven starts but Bellamy cuts her off "no she's to tall, to mature, to well built fir a six year old remember Clarke said she was very small". " then who is this" Murphy asks "this must be Madi come on we can't just stand out in the open with these people running around Murphy pick her up, Bellamy your driving, Murphy your sitting in the front, Raven you and me are in the back with her." I say. While we were in space me and raven picked up some medical skills since we didn't have Clarke. We all get in the rover and Murphy hand me Madi. She is surprising light. I put her on the floor with her head in my lap, I run my hands through her hair with my fingers while raven try's to find the worst of the bleeding . "She's so cold"I say to no one in particular. "Is this what their doing to her". Raven asks not saying anything but we know who she's talking about but we all just stay quiet . All the sudden while we're about 10 minuets away from the church she starts to wake up. Her eyes shoot open and their a strikingly green and she looks a lot like Octavia.

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