Chapter Twenty-five

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Note, this chapter contains mature contents! *giggles* don't they all?


Chapter Twenty-five


We are all heading to Dosed for our after-prom. And we a each joined our dates in their rides ; me with Jake, Jane with Jordan, Kendrick with Shelby , Will with Danielle, Jack with Stacy and Kyle with Daisy.

Yeah I know what y'all thinking ; did kyle and I make up? Well yeah, he told me that he knew I had another lover but he felt it won't hurt to try and I understand that. Oh and we decided not to tell the guys what Stacy did yet that's why Jack is with Stacy for prom... Plus that guy can fuck anything in a skirt.

If you're wondering, it's totally cliché for Jake and I to win prom king and queen! Ikr!

But nope! The Jay's did and Jake and I happily voted for them but we came I'm second place.

Jake booked down dosed for the rest of our night. Apparently I'm the only one who didn't know about it.

Isn't he full of surprises?

We pull up in front of dosed where other cars are. Stepping into the building, the harsh stench of weed and whiskey accompanied with loud music blows up in my face.

Oh sweet feeling.

Babe-Jake leads me to the bar where the bartender serves us shots. The others join us ; the Jay's, Jack, Kendrick, Will, Kyle and Stacy. We all order TEQUILA! sweet sweet tequila. This drink will always bring us together, will always remind us of our love and friendship. And to our surprise, Jake orders a bottle too.

We take a long swing of the hot liquor down our throats at the same time as we lift our bottles up. These people would always be family. Including Stacy.

Oh Stacy apologized saying she didn't know Jake and I were a thing. So I forgave her because she's still Stacy , school's slut, bitchiest of 'em all and that's why I love her, for her.

We all part ways to dance but I go with Jake up to a room. Stepping into the room, I realized it's the same room as the one we were in the first time I was here. The time I sneaked out with Jake to party at night.

I then notice the rose petals on the floor up to the master sized bed. There's a heart formed with the petals and candles on the bed stand. I turn to look at Jake, who's smiling like a moron. I pull him in for a hug.

"this is so romantic, Jake " I whisper

" you know I can go all Romeo for my Juliet " he retorts.

He pulls away, as we stare into each other's eyes.

" are you a parking ticket? Because, Mattie, I see fine written all over you" Jake says with a smirk playing on his face.

I feel a blush creep up onto my face.

He pulls me close to him and leans down till our faces are mere inches away from each other and without wasting any more time, he crashes his lips into mine. This kiss is different from other ones we've shared, so passionately, demanding and filled with pleasure. Our tongues fight for dominance and his is clearly winning.

In a split second I'm off my feet as he lifts me up and I let my legs wrap around his waist. He leads us to the bed without breaking the kiss. In a swift move, he straddles above me and me beneath him. Deepening the kiss, he stripes me off my dress gently and immediately stripes me off my undergarments and tosses it onto the floor.

I tug on his shirt and he pulls of his shirt and his pants. He places kisses on the swell of boobs and on the nape of my neck. He rips off my undies. Rubbing my area in circles, he sends tingles to my spine. Man, this guy has such strong effect on Me.

With a dirty smirk on his lips, he leans down to my area and in a split second, he sticks his tongue in, licking , sucking and biting. I dig my fingernails into his hair, tugging on it as my moans fill the room. Without warning, he slips a finger in.

He returns to my lips and places a more passionate kiss. Reaching to one of the packs of latex placed in a cup on the bed stand. He looks at Me for permission and I nod in agreement.

He pulls it on.

"this might hurt a little but just for a second, I promise I'll go slowly. Or if you don't want me to I won't " he says, looking into my eyes, a look of worry clouded in his eyes.

I just nod and shut my eyes. A tear falls down my cheek as I feel him go into me. The pain is replaced immediately with pleasure as he begins to thrust. I grab onto the sheets as I let my moans fill the room.

I let more tears fall down my cheeks as he increases his pace. His eyes grow dark, clouded with lust and pleasure.

" I'm about to—" he was cut off by his own groan, pulling away as he tosses the used latex on the ground.

He picks another one from the cup and drives into me again. The same thing happens again but this times, it's faster and more passionately. The pain is totally gone and man, does this feel goooooddd.

After the second round, falls beside me. "I love you, matilda Winston" he places a kiss on my shoulder as he pulls me closer to him.

"I love you too Jake..."

What's his last name?

*wipes tears off my face, with a large grin on my lips* Oh guys they finally did it.... He hehe *laughs evilly *

Hope I didn't do bad in the sex scene. Writing this was hard. Yunno mixing pleasure with love even though I'm inexperienced.... Shhh! Tell a soul and I'll kill you!

Kindly vote guys.... Mmt is coming to an end soon.

I'm still thinking is mmt is better than commt? (my math tutor) (crushing on my math tutor)

Love. Xx.

 my math tutorOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora