Chapter Twenty-three

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Chapter Twenty-three 


It's been two days since the Stacy-eating-my-boyfriend's-face-out-incident took place and I can say I haven't been taking this well.

I knew Stacy Issa bitch who can't keep her pussy in her panties but I didn't think she'll go for Jake!

Technically, she didn't know he's your bf.
Shut up!

I think I should let them know I saw them. I think to myself. I pick up my phone and text Stacy to meet me at the park as well as Jake but they'd have no idea either of them is gonna show up.

I'm sitting on an old bench in the park when I spot a Blondie in pink, Stacy. I wave her over to take a sit next to me. Almost immediately I see Jake,rough hair but still looking durrshiiinnnnn! I think he's spotted me because the sudden halt in his steps kinda scream SHOCK!

This should be fun.

I signal him to come up to me. In three steps he's standing in front of me and I notice his eyes drifting to Stacy's. The cloud building up in his ocean blue eyes can tell he's nervous.

Oh poor Jake. I might as well torture you.

"so you guys! "I giggle.

They both force a smile on their faces, lips twitching in fear.

" Stacy, darling meet my boyfriend, Jake " I introduce her to Jake like they haven't met before and she plays along. What a bitch.

" honey, this is my really good friend Stacy, I mean more like a sissy! " I press on the 'sissy' and watch him cringe at that.

The both shake hands and I notice the blush creeping up to Stacy's pale face.

I ignore that act and push further." I'm sorry darling, I'm sorry for the way I reacted in my room the other day ". I watch Stacy's face fall at the sound of 'room'.

" uh, it's f-fine Matilda, it's no biggie " Jake stutters.

Did he just call me 'matilda?'

" oh I'm sorry I meant babe " Jake corrects himself like he read my mind.

A victory smile erupts on my face. I get up and push towards Jake, i plant a kiss on his lips and he pulls away. I pout to that making him pull me in for another kiss,which I deepen.

  Stacy's P. O. V

  I can't believe I'm seated her watching Mr geek god and little miss I can have Mr Greek god kiss . I could just barf in my mouth. I clear my throat hoping to get their attention.

"want some privacy? " I offer, trying to get up. I'm being pushed back into the bench by Matilda.

" no, I want us to hang, McDonald's ? " Matilda offered, smirking a little. I just wanna rip that smirk off her pretty lips. Arghh!

Jake just stands there not looking remorseful for kissing his girlfriend in my presence. Such an asshole.

Jake drives us both to McDonald's and I kinda wished I walked there. The ride consisted of constant kisses and smooches. Urgh!

While we wait for our orders to arrive, matilda suggested we play 21 questions. Okay this is where we get to answer and ask each other 21 questions with totally honest answers.

She offers to go first and the question is directed to Jake ; "have you ever kissed another girl while dating someone?"

"uhm no" Jake stutters.

Quit stuttering you rabbit!

Matilda's face falls as Jake lies straight to her face but she shakes off every emotion and goes back to being her playful self.

Next question goes to me ; "have you ever crushed on someone's boyfriend."

"yah! If he's amaze balls obvi " I replied confidently. Unlike Jake I'm not bothered.

Matilda gets up without a word to neither Jake nor me.

Matilda's pov

I can't help but leave, leave these liars. They look me in the eye and lie straight to my face. Even Jake? Yeah Stacy has a PhD in lying but not Jake.

I keep walking straight out of the restaurant, I hear Jake calling out my name but I don't budge.

I wave down a cab and get in. Heading straight to the Hamptons. My plan wasn't so good, I didn't know it would backfire. Jake...

Stacy snatched my boyfriend... Jake never lied to me before but now he just did, all thanks to Stacy.

Oh my Jake...

Hey! I decided to make my chapters a bit shorter not to bore you guys, yunno *looks side to side awkwardly *

No, I didn't make it short 'cause I'm out of ideas.... (hope y'all buying that) *laughs awkwardly *

Please keep reading and voting for encouragement guys... Thanks I really appreciate! :-*

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