chapter four

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Chapter four


Today is the day mom brings home my tutor, last night she was up searching the web for math tutors,

Talk of determination


I'm back from school and I've been praying internally to a higher power that my math tutor gets hit by a bus.

I hear mom talking to some guy downstairs in the living room. Suddenly, I hear footsteps climbing the steps .

I'm out of luck he's downstairs and mom is heading up to come get me

I think I'll fake being sick.

"Matilda dear! " Mom Says in a singsong voice

"yeah" I say dryly like I've caught a cold .

-hope this works

"I'm coming in... Oh my ... you look down, are you alright? " mom sits by me on my bed , caressing my face with her palms .

"yeah just a little fever that's all" I squirm under her tender touch

"how about some ice cream to make you all better " Mom Says handing me Freeze fro-yo

"yaay thanks "I jump out of bed totally oblivious to the fact I'm faking being sick

"I knew you weren't sick " mom hushes

"oh fine I'm not, but I'm keeping my fro-yo" I reply

"I'm sorry dear but you should have thought about faking being sick when you have a doctor as a mom" she turns  walking out of my room.

I head downstairs ,sluggishly heading to the living room

"Holy shit! " I exclaim


It's fucking Jake , Jake as in Murchielago diner Jake.

Pinch me!

"uhm mom excuse us so we could start the lessons"  pushing her slightly out of the living room , struggling to hide my excitement.

"I'm glad you're down for this" she kisses my head and began walking away.

"oh you have no idea" I whisper to myself

"what's that, honey? "she says turning to face me

"oh nothing, bye" I dismiss her quickly

"Okay I'm going grocery shopping, I'll be back later" she sings slamming the front door shut.

If I'm gonna left alone with Greek god over here, I better fix my look.

"Why excuse me " I excuse myself and sprint back to my room.

showered quickly and put on a low neck  tank top with demin shorts and my favourite adidas sneakers. Packed my hair into a messy bun and gently slid the mascara wand over my lashes before leaving my room.

I hurry downstairs with my notepad and a textbook.

Even my walk is changed bet you might mistake me for Naomi Campbell on the runway.

Woops! And down she goes...I quickly gran onto the banister to regain stamina to avoid falling on my face.

"Hey are you okay?" He's voice brings me back.

I jolt my head up so fast I heard a crack in my neck .

"hey there" I say in a voice in whom I don't know it may belong.

 my math tutorWhere stories live. Discover now